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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

#2: Garlic Bread, Anyone?

  Tabitha woke early the next day. It's kinda weird yesterday, she thought to herself. Her grandma... It's the first time ever that she didn't even compliment Tony in the least bit. Miracle. In fact, she seemed to be ignoring him. Weird. And what's that rush to bed about? Really weird. Okay, so her gran's part of the superstitious folk, but if she remembered correctly, last time she came she watched fireworks outside until midnight, and her gran didn't say a thing. Anyway, who cares about weird grannies and local superstitions? Might as well make the most out of her time here, perhaps she'll actually try to impress her gran. Show her who's better, she or that stupid Tony, you know.
  Knock knock. "Tha, you awake?" It's Jen's voice. "Yeah, or I won't be answering you."
  "Come on then, it's breakfast time. We're having garlic bread, your favourite, isn't it? Nat is still sleeping, so it's just us. Better be quick so that we can eat up her portion too! Today's a local festival, so there's no school. Perhaps you would like to go together to take a look at our new school?" Jen was as cheerful as always and chatted on as Tha opened the door for her to get in.
  "Er, just us? What about gran? As for the school thing, sure."
  "Gran said that she has not much of an appetite so she'll probably eat some porridge later. As brunch."
  Okay, now that's really very weird. As far as she knew, her gran was just not the type who cooked something she herself didn't want to eat. Not to mention that she never prepared garlic bread before even though it was one of Tha's favourite. Tony's favourites often appear on the dining table though. Huh.
  "Hey, tell you what, I had a funny dream last night. Funny not in the comical sense, of course, but as in weird. It's really weird. The dream is not really visual, you see, but more on the hearing side. I heard muffled screams, nearby, but I can't see a thing. And it's not just dark, it's pitch black. Like when you close your eyes and drag blankets over you. It creeps me out." Jen whispered as they went down the stairs.
  "Maybe you are." Tabitha joked, "Don't be paranoid." But in her heart she thought, gran's actions are eating away at everyone's nerves, aren't they.
  Trick was also by the dining table by the time Jen and Tha reached it. They ate together, discussing about the school while waiting for Nat and Tony.
  "Nat! Sleepy head!" Jen shouted teasingly when Natalie finally appeared at the staircase. "My, you're late! And that's Tony behind you, the lazy couple." Natalie rolled her eyes. Tony was apparently still half asleep and he didn't even bothered to open his eyes. His nose wrinkled though, when he smelled the garlic bread. "Ugh! Garlic! Don't think I'm going to have breakfast. No appetite." With that he retreated back up the stairs again. Tha shrugged. It seemed to please her that there's finally something Tony hated that gran cooked.
  "Oh ya, Nat and Trick, wanna go explore our school today later on? Local festival. Holiday today." Jen asked. They both agreed. "And since you're Tony's closest friend here, you might as well go and inform him."
  Natalie scowled but did it as well. However, the outcome surprised the others. Tony actually refused. Normally, he'd jump at any such chance of going out together, not to mention exploring.
  "Who cares, it's even better without him." Trick shrugged, and Tabitha agreed wholeheartedly.
<to be continued.>

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