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Saturday, May 31, 2014


So, thankfully exams are over. Last night I dreamt that I have a science exam tomorrow... it was so realistic that I almost jumped up and go to look for my Science notes.

Anyway I'm sure I did really badly. I know no one will belief me, duh, but it's true!

Malay: Bad as usual. I never get good grades in Malay... I remember once in primary I was so worried I texted to ask Nat about my Malay results even though I was in Singapore.
Geo: According to the teacher I scored 85%. Well, I should be grateful to get A.
Chinese: I don't even know how (bad) I did. Duhhh.
Science: The Paper 2 is really crazy. All the important points didn't come out. Seriously we're all dead. Haiz.
English: I got a lot answers wrong. I'm dead. Whereas other people live on. Argh.
History: Surprising History is the easiest of the lot. Hopefully? Coz someone once said if a subject is easy you must be doing it wrong. Ehehehe.
Maths: The scariest because although you double checked you can never be sure whether you made no mistakes. And you can't afford to make one because other people won't. Talk about stress, huh?
Living Skills: No idea. I was too wrapped up in holiday mood to discuss it with others. (It was the last paper.)

I suppose we'll know the (terrible) results after holidays. Haiz, life's so scary.

p.s. I'm quite lazy to blog today... but since my AdSense account just got approved (Yes! Like finally!! Let's throw confetti! Yay!!!) I thought I'd better be more responsible, eh?

p.s.s. On a positive note, (Exams are counted as something negative.) I'm currently obsessed with this song: 尘埃   (meaning dust in chinese) which is the theme song of a drama series I'm watching.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Spot Check

Okay, I do realize that this might be a bit outdated. But still, better late than never.

So, a few days before exam, a prefect from another class suddenly entered our class... Then she announced that there is now a SPOT CHECK and we must all get out... Everyone was shocked coz technically spot checks rarely happen on A class people. Which means someone must have reported us. And a lot of prefects weren't around (they went for Chinese debate) so it must be one of them.

Actually spot checks are kind of exciting if you got away safely. Well, it's my first spot check anyway. Back in Han Chiang, we never had spot checks. As in NEVER. And now, the prefects rummage through our bags and actually search our body. I can't see human rights here. Like, seriously, we are not criminals okay? Even the police has to get search warrants before they search your house. And the prefects get to flip through our note books and stuff. Privacy, privacy, my "dears". I feel like one of the people in those chinese films portraying ancient people. You know, the emperor (the discipline teacher??!!) orders people to search the house and rob all the gold........

It kinda evokes adrenaline in you when you watch the prefect search your bag... Adrenaline to punch the discipline teacher haha. Anyway I managed to escape unscathed. But most people aren't so lucky, Nic got 1 mark deducted because she brought Panadol pills... The teacher was like, I'm afraid you'll swallow them and kill yourself. WTH? One of my classmates lose 16 marks... for bringing her phone and lying to the teacher. 8 marks from Sherwin for helping her to lie. Their lie got busted because someone else won't help to lie. <shrugs> Seriously we HAVE a right to lie. Freedom of speech, kay? (Although such freedom rarely existed anyway.) Flo was like, she would pretend to try to jump off the railing if the teacher took away her phone... Good plan actually, because even if the teacher doesn't believe, she has to stop you too, coz if just one person really jumped, she'll be dead. And no one would enroll in this haunted school any more. Aha.

So, who's the culprit that reported us? I know but I don't think I can post here, coz my blog is like, half-public. (Half only because not many members of the public read it, only fellow classmates will pay visits. Which makes it worse actually.) I'll just say that she met a fitting end. If anyone is still wondering about it, when the election of the deputy head prefect comes out at the end of the year, I'm sure there will be no more doubts.

p.s. I'm really amazed by the length of the antennae of some classmates. I don't know how they managed to get news so fast. One reportedly knew the culprit one hour after the spot check. <claps enthusiastically>

Thursday, May 29, 2014


I know my blog is like, what, full of weeds? /.\ Feeling seriously guilty but I've been super busy so forgive me. Before hols it's like, EXAMS which got me super stressed out. And now the hols finally started I'm like really lazy, so yea. Basically I've been sleeping until 12 every day... Then I wake up, eat, online, watch TV, read online novels and listen to music... So basically I'm quite busy. Okay no I'm just plain lazy.

Anyway: here's what I'm planning to do this hols.
1. Catch up with ALL the tv series I've recorded but have no time to watch. (which is a lot, really. My tv is running out of memory...)
2. Learn new songs... Because of exams there's like a big gap and I feel so outdated. Duh. All troubles in life come from exams.... Well. for me anyway. All those crazy people out there have time and energy to do all those crazy stuff (bomb the world, occupy the parliament etc) only because they DON'T have exams. DUHHH.
3. Finish out NiE. Which is really hard because we haven't started. T.T
4. Read online novels. A lot. Hahahahah. Coz I haven't touched them for very long, also because of EXAMS. Basically I won't bore you with the titles coz....
5. I now have a new blog which I share with Natalie. All the novel stuff are there. Actually it's not new, we shared it with 3 other people originally. Now it's just us. Which also means that my blogging time here will be split into half...

p.s. In case you're wondering (you probably aren't but still) the other blog is
p.s.s. Currently I'm: blogging, chatting with Nat, listening to Counting Stars, and eating kiwi. I know it's really random.
p.s.s.s. Current novel I'm reading it's so sad... Happy ending for the main characters but not for the supporting character... I dunno why I always like the supporting characters...... And the novel has a lot of conspiracies. Nic was like, don't read such novels la, life has enough conspiracies... True.