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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Saturday, May 31, 2014


So, thankfully exams are over. Last night I dreamt that I have a science exam tomorrow... it was so realistic that I almost jumped up and go to look for my Science notes.

Anyway I'm sure I did really badly. I know no one will belief me, duh, but it's true!

Malay: Bad as usual. I never get good grades in Malay... I remember once in primary I was so worried I texted to ask Nat about my Malay results even though I was in Singapore.
Geo: According to the teacher I scored 85%. Well, I should be grateful to get A.
Chinese: I don't even know how (bad) I did. Duhhh.
Science: The Paper 2 is really crazy. All the important points didn't come out. Seriously we're all dead. Haiz.
English: I got a lot answers wrong. I'm dead. Whereas other people live on. Argh.
History: Surprising History is the easiest of the lot. Hopefully? Coz someone once said if a subject is easy you must be doing it wrong. Ehehehe.
Maths: The scariest because although you double checked you can never be sure whether you made no mistakes. And you can't afford to make one because other people won't. Talk about stress, huh?
Living Skills: No idea. I was too wrapped up in holiday mood to discuss it with others. (It was the last paper.)

I suppose we'll know the (terrible) results after holidays. Haiz, life's so scary.

p.s. I'm quite lazy to blog today... but since my AdSense account just got approved (Yes! Like finally!! Let's throw confetti! Yay!!!) I thought I'd better be more responsible, eh?

p.s.s. On a positive note, (Exams are counted as something negative.) I'm currently obsessed with this song: 尘埃   (meaning dust in chinese) which is the theme song of a drama series I'm watching.

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