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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Thursday, December 29, 2011

ugly Ugly UGLY!!!

Aargh! Just cut my hair short. Very short, just 3cm below my ears! And also very unfasionable, definitely not those punky types. Not even bob. Why? For PCGHS, of course. After wearing my new, approved (that is, by PCGHS) glasses, I look so stupid and ugly! Aargh! I don't even dare to look at the mirror! TT
  It seems that my secondary school life is destined to be a difficult one...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Termites: Second Follow-up

The pest control man came again. A DIFFERENT man! Duh. He knows nothing of the previous follow-ups at all, he didn't even know where the baits are placed! Okay, nevermind. It seemed that our termites are still very smart. There were 2 baiting stations, but the termites near one moved to the other one. And they're taking the baits very slowly. Argh! Sigh...

Monday, December 26, 2011

Silly Doctor

I was sick. Yesterday I had a fever and a headache. Earlier today, I vomited. Because of falling sick, I missed a trip to Adventure Zone(the one in Golden Sands Hotel) with Jen... TT But that wasn't the only bad thing that happened.
  I didn't eat anything last night. So, naturally I woke up having a stomachache. I drank some water. Then I vomited... This continued for a while, as whenever I drink water I just want to vomit. Anyway, my fever has gone done. Because of my constant vomiting, my parents brought me to a nearby clinic.
  Yesterday was Christmas, a public holiday, and a Sunday too. This makes today a public holiday too. Of course, not many clinics are open today. So, we didn't go to our usual clinic, but decided to go to a 24-hour clinic in Jalan Terengganu instead. Now, there are 2 clinics side by side along that road. The other one wasn't a 24-hour clinic, but it was open anyway. Due to the crowd in Singapore clinic, we went to the other clinic instead.(I won't reveal the clinic's name in order to protect myself.)
  Anyway, we went in. After waiting patiently for some time, it was my turn. It was a young man who treated me. Not the usual doc. Apparently, the original doctor was on leave. Okay, never mind. He took my temperature: 38*C. Then he asked me my symptoms. When he heard that I vomited, he immediately suggest that I go to General Hospital to test for Dengue. The end. Fees charged? RM%%!
  What? Dengue?! NOOO!!! But my parents insisted on me taking a test, leaving me no choices... When we get to GH, the doctor in charge took my temperature again.(My, he's pretty rough with my ears. Ouch.) 37.5*C. Not quite possible to be dengue... And he looked at us like we're silly people or whatever, but he still gave me a blood test. OUCH!!!
  Results? NEGATIVE, OF COURSE!!! I kind of wasted my blood, all because of that @$(#^% doctor! Aargh! 


Tip: Try eating some solid food if you keep vomiting after drinking water. At least, I cured myself that way... Not guarenteed to work though.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas tomorrow... Hope I'll get presents... (Actually, I've already received some. Hehe.) Merry Christmas to everyone who's viewing my blog~

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bad dog!

Today Bobby gave me a scare.
  My father's car drove into the compound. Normally, Bobby runs off when he sees our car. Not today. He laid there motionless, back facing us. To avoid hitting him, my father slowed down. The car got closed and closer. Still no response. I was now worried, afraid that he's dead or fainted.
  Then, just as I was about to get down the car to inspect him, HE TURNED AND WALKED AWAY LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED!!! Grr!
  Zzz... Such a bad dog... TT

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


My gran came back from Taiwan. Bobby managed to appear...(Just don't ask where has he been, when did he came back etc. As I said, they never tell me anything. I'm not even the last person to know, but I completely won't know.) Well guess what. They actually brought me presents. How thoughtful. Except that it wasn't.
 1. A Daisy Duck schedule planner
 2. A Pingu schedule planner
  Did I ever say I like ducks? NO. In fact, I kind of dislike them. And? Also, I'm not five! Pingues are cute alright but try counting how many years have past since I grew out of them. Of course, if I really like them, I probably wouldn't get them then. Plus, who needs two schedule planners? Use yours brains! Duh.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Went to PCGHS yesterday early morning. The environment is nicer than my primary, it being bigger and greener etc. The teachers... well, at least those at the register counter(all) didn't seem very intelligent, some are even quite snobby... but I learned to not expect anything from teachers. (Thank god I didn't show my real name here...)

Actually, the school was smaller than I thought. I mean for 7*400(+) students, I would have prefered something bigger, but it's okay. And why are schools so rectangular? I'd do with some more twists and turns, haha.

If anything, PCGHS has strict rules! Worse still, they deducted marks for wrong-doings. That's a scary thought. There's lots of crazy rules, I'll type them out later. Here's a thriller: No Japanese anime drawings. That's weird, right? Lucky for me, I'm never good at art, which means I don't even know how to draw them.

I don't know about my class, sports team, etc. Oh ya, one more difficulties of secondary school life. Arts and sports, we have to take both exams. Marks counted. My fingers crossed. ARGH.

That's pretty much about it, as for co-curriculum activities, I wish to take Chinese Orchestra. Music's not my weak point at least. As for sports, I'll just follow my friends. PCGHS has chosen Computer Club for Form 1s, although I reckon they're going to be boring. Just one more thing. If you are in some Service Club, you get extra marks. I hope to get a student psychology counselor position. I don't know whether they let Form1s be that or  not though. It's my ambition to study psychology, so I might as well get a start at it. Anyway the other jobs are too tiring...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


My gran is in Taiwan now, with three other relatives of mine. (1 uncle, 1 aunt, 1 grown-up cousin.) Well, no one is available to look after Bobby the Goldie. My uncle's girlfriend(Another uncle, of course, I simply have lots of them.)offered to look after him, but the other relatives(That means, me excluded.)don't really approve of her. Okay, the truth is they totally disapproved of her. Anyway, I don't think they're happy with her looking after Bob. So, when I went to visit him today, he vanished. Not into thin air of course, just that someone probably took him somewhere. Of course, nobody would notify me...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Termites: First Follow-up

The termite man came to my house again today. As I said before, I think they charge too much, but there's nothing we can do about it. Okay, now guess what progress we've had so far.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  Erm, almost none, to be exact. It turned out that the resident termites are way way too smart(probably influenced by us owners, hehe) and they didn't eat the baits. See? I have some, though not as much as some others,(my best friend is a real prophet = = ) talent to be a prophet after all. =)
  So, that's it... The man changed locations of bait,(ruining more furniture in the process TT ) and that's the first follow-up. Sigh.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Bobby is my grandma's Golden Retriever. He's almost 7 now, and his health has been quite bad recently, trips to the vet frequent.
  Actually, health is not the correct word. Only his leg is bad, you see. Then and again, he refused eating, which was why my gran is so nervous.
  Bobby is very naughty. He always sneaks out, following cars, and go down the road to visit his doggy friends. But there's also someone who dislikes him, and he often return home beaten. BUT HE STILL DOES IT!! Siiggghhhh.
  I like Bobby. I really hope he can be around for some more time~

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Durians, as you know, are King of Malaysian Fruits. Because of its smell, you either love it or hate it. Most LOVE it, but I don't.
  I don't know why. Both my father's and my mother's side of family love them, so it makes no sense that I hate it. But I just do. I simply can't stand the smell.
  It's durian season again. Last Sat one of my uncles came back from China, and one of his friends gifted him LOTS OF DURIAN. Sigh, I suppose I just have to wear a mask whenever I go to my gran's house...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I hate motorbike races!!!

Last Sunday I had tuition as usual. What's not usual is that there's a motorbike race held nearby. And the StUpI_ Penang government(fill in that blank, you're smart) blocked the way to my tuition centre! That means, cars couldn't get near, and I have to walk under the sun! Ugh. Calculate this if you live in Penang.
Going Trip: Old Town Restaurant in Church Street to Great Eastern Complex
Back Trip:  Great Eastern Complex to Love Lane
All this and even worse, the traffic jams. Just for the enjoyment of some people. How unfair! Boo for street motorbike races.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Paper and People

I cut my finger today. On paper. It bled. OW! Sometimes you just never know that such thin paper can hurt you. Looks are deceiving. Not just things, but people as well. I had an experience before, a girl kind of tricked me into believing she's actually my friend. But now I suppose I can't really blame her. It's her way of living, getting close with some to gain others' attention. My poor.finger. But I can't blame the paper too, at least it didn't try to trick me.