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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Monday, December 26, 2011

Silly Doctor

I was sick. Yesterday I had a fever and a headache. Earlier today, I vomited. Because of falling sick, I missed a trip to Adventure Zone(the one in Golden Sands Hotel) with Jen... TT But that wasn't the only bad thing that happened.
  I didn't eat anything last night. So, naturally I woke up having a stomachache. I drank some water. Then I vomited... This continued for a while, as whenever I drink water I just want to vomit. Anyway, my fever has gone done. Because of my constant vomiting, my parents brought me to a nearby clinic.
  Yesterday was Christmas, a public holiday, and a Sunday too. This makes today a public holiday too. Of course, not many clinics are open today. So, we didn't go to our usual clinic, but decided to go to a 24-hour clinic in Jalan Terengganu instead. Now, there are 2 clinics side by side along that road. The other one wasn't a 24-hour clinic, but it was open anyway. Due to the crowd in Singapore clinic, we went to the other clinic instead.(I won't reveal the clinic's name in order to protect myself.)
  Anyway, we went in. After waiting patiently for some time, it was my turn. It was a young man who treated me. Not the usual doc. Apparently, the original doctor was on leave. Okay, never mind. He took my temperature: 38*C. Then he asked me my symptoms. When he heard that I vomited, he immediately suggest that I go to General Hospital to test for Dengue. The end. Fees charged? RM%%!
  What? Dengue?! NOOO!!! But my parents insisted on me taking a test, leaving me no choices... When we get to GH, the doctor in charge took my temperature again.(My, he's pretty rough with my ears. Ouch.) 37.5*C. Not quite possible to be dengue... And he looked at us like we're silly people or whatever, but he still gave me a blood test. OUCH!!!
  Results? NEGATIVE, OF COURSE!!! I kind of wasted my blood, all because of that @$(#^% doctor! Aargh! 


Tip: Try eating some solid food if you keep vomiting after drinking water. At least, I cured myself that way... Not guarenteed to work though.

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