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Friday, March 21, 2014

Random Random Stuff

So I'm typing with one hand coz I'm peeling grapes with the other hand. Anyway I was finally free after so long, since hols started, so yea hopefully I'll be able to manage my blog a bit the following week. The mighty minds rules post would be the next post... Ok ok I apologize for my laziness.

I viewed Nic's blog just now and I realize that she made me sound so random. Not as in random unknown person, as in person who behaves randomly. But actually I'm really random. Whatever. So, (I certainly use 'so' a lot in my blog posts. Hmm.)

So basically nothing much happened. Okay actually a lot of things happened. Especially today before field practice... But I'm still processing information. Yes Nicole, I'M STILL PROCESSING that damn information.

I don't wanna post too much un-random stuff... Coz Shu Qi stalks me ._. Kinda. She found my blog the very day I posted it on my Insta and she also found a (very, no, extremely) embarassing video of me. Omigosh did I just tell you guys that? Face palm. (Like anyone of you cared anyway =.=)

So (That's the 6th 'so' for today...) I'll just post some really random stuff. Basically for me March and April is the season of birthdays coz most of my Form 1 classmates are Pisces or Aries. My own birthday is on the 26th of March! Woohoo! Oh and we wrote cards for Shu Fay since she posted New Year cards for us. Actually mine was more like color paper home made card and Flo's was a letter... I think she wrote it on spare paper =.= Ee and Nic shared a card. (a real card that reads "Happy Bday, Uncle." I don't really get the joke but apparently they find it very funny??) Then we're out of time to post so Ee has to be the postman. (She dropped it into Fay's letter box. XD)

And I kinda became the sole torture victim of Flo. Okay maybe not the sole one, but still. She's like, taking ecstasy pills every day or what? Every day she's like so high, no matter lack of sleep or too much sleep... Except for today when she got very very pekcek because of the Nilam stuff. Since our classmates are so uncooperative I told her to fine them RM1 for each day they're late. And already two people are going to have to pay RM9 when school reopens.

I still CANNOT get my mind off the information! Nicole!!! I need mountains! Or a swimming pool. But no I won't spill the secret. :x

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Mighty Minds 2014 (Part A)

So today is the first time I spend so much time in a mall! Rather unfortunately, it wasn't that I get to spend all the time shopping. In fact, I didn't even get to buy desserts, much less shop. To go to 1st Avenue and not shop is like the Chinese saying "Go to the treasure mountain and return empty-handed."

But anyway, like the title suggested, I'm there to compete in the Mighty Minds Competition. And it was like, so busy and so stressed that we didn't even get a decent lunch (We went to McDonald's, duhhh, cuz Nat was like, we need to eat somewhere fast...!) We (me, Nat and Nic) actually managed to scrape through the first round, (We were the last team to get in =.=) pass the second round and win 2nd in the third round! Seriously it's a miracle! We didn't really expect to win, because it's like so damn hard. But it's kinda annoying that we were just one or two questions away from the champion, they get RM1600++ each person! But they have to go to KL, which is not a good thing for our hectic lifestyles, so I suppose it's as well. After all, we did get RM666 each. The best thing about this competition is that the winners get a lot of money. Actually that's because RHB bank sponsored. Banks are all filthy rich. And they sponsored because... to get the money you have to have a RHB account. If you don't, then make one. There. Oh and always remember to bring you ICs cuz you need one to make an account. Otherwise you have to visit the bank yourself. Like us. Duhhhh.

Actually this post is dedicated to explaining the rules of Mighty Minds, since you can't find them online. Well I'm doing it because a lot of new contestants will search for it every year, and this would bring a lot of traffic to my blog! XD The questions will be included in the next post, they're in my phone which is charging upstairs... I copied as much as I can... Yeah I know I'm so kind. =P

Um... actually I think I'll post the rules next post (Mighty Minds 2014 Part B) because I'm kinda running out of time here. Bye!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Long Time No Post

First of all, I'm so sorry I haven't been posting for so long! (Not like anyone would be disappointed anyway, but still.) Anyway, I've been quite busy, with projects and stuff, so in between my other hobbies (listening to music <I'm trying to learn counting stars, but with a not very successful result... And the song has weird lyrics. By the way, do you know there's a malay webpage offering chinese song lyrics in pinyin? o.O>, watching TV <there's a quite old Hong Kong drama series about psycologists on Astro 311 channel, the things they say are really funny... And anyone here watches The Best Time?>, and reading novels online <since the names are too weird I will NOT say anything here.>) I have no time to blog ._.

By the time I post this, the missing plane has still not been found... Which can only means our government really is inefficient. If this happens at the Bernuda they'll think the plane is abducted by aliens. Seriously I rather die than get abducted by aliens. Well since I was a kid I've always have an aversion towards aliens. No, not even You From the Stars (not the moon, unlike what Flo wrote in her blog) and Roswell High can change that. A novel said that humans always treat whatever different from us as threats. But I do NOT hate witches, werewolfs, vampires (oh wait I do. I hate a particular 'vampire' guy from my primary.) etc. So yea.

So... hope the people on the plane get rescued. To die in sea is a very VERY horrible thought for someone like me who has itchynophobia. (Don't care about the spelling.) Anyway that's all.So yeah this is a short post. Actually I have a lot of random stuff to say but it'll take too long. Until next time~