First of all, I'm so sorry I haven't been posting for so long! (Not like anyone would be disappointed anyway, but still.) Anyway, I've been quite busy, with projects and stuff, so in between my other hobbies (listening to music <I'm trying to learn counting stars, but with a not very successful result... And the song has weird lyrics. By the way, do you know there's a malay webpage offering chinese song lyrics in pinyin? o.O>, watching TV <there's a quite old Hong Kong drama series about psycologists on Astro 311 channel, the things they say are really funny... And anyone here watches The Best Time?>, and reading novels online <since the names are too weird I will NOT say anything here.>) I have no time to blog ._.
By the time I post this, the missing plane has still not been found... Which can only means our government really is inefficient. If this happens at the Bernuda they'll think the plane is abducted by aliens. Seriously I rather die than get abducted by aliens. Well since I was a kid I've always have an aversion towards aliens. No, not even You From the Stars (not the moon, unlike what Flo wrote in her blog) and Roswell High can change that. A novel said that humans always treat whatever different from us as threats. But I do NOT hate witches, werewolfs, vampires (oh wait I do. I hate a particular 'vampire' guy from my primary.) etc. So yea.
So... hope the people on the plane get rescued. To die in sea is a very VERY horrible thought for someone like me who has itchynophobia. (Don't care about the spelling.) Anyway that's all.So yeah this is a short post. Actually I have a lot of random stuff to say but it'll take too long. Until next time~
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