Anyway... I entered Starwalk under Nic's persistence. I know it's kinda a long time ago, but this is the first time I open my blog since Starwalk... (Proves my laziness.) It's hard to say if Starwalk is actually worth all the trouble of t-shirt collecting and waking up damn early on the first day of hols AND squeezing through all those huge crowds. It's quite fun walking with friends,(Random statement: Turn the clock back two years and I'll never know that I'll be Starwalking with Shu Qi one day. She used to seriously creep me out. No offense but seriously I'm still kinda, not very but kinda, afraid of her... I dunno why. Lol. Stalker.) but the heritage streets weren't as promising since we walked in main roads instead of alleys mostly, and with the crowd it's hard to actually see stuff. Actually the main problem is with the t-shirt. It's ......
Actually my dad went quite early to try and snatch S size t-shirts for me, Nic and Ee, but then he only got M. And Sherwin who went later got S, because apparently S size didn't arrive yet when my dad went. Duhhh. At least we didn't get XL like Fay... I really don't understand why don't the organizers just let us tick the size we want on the registration forms??? It's not exactly rocket science.
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Credits to Becks! |
Another thing that happened this week: I finally completed my batik!!
Cute, eh? <Extremely proud of myself> I did the whole thing by myself! Of course, the materials were provided by school, but the waxing and all was all my doing, except for mum helping me boil the cloth to de-wax. The teacher refused to help... Actually, if you are wondering why the color is so bright, which is not my style, it's because I was in a hurry to color, and therefore I didn't take time to mix the dyes before using, I just directly used the colors provided (red, yellow, blue) to color directly, and only mixed it on the cloth... So all those greens you see, is all the results of putting yellow first, then blue.
It's actually quite lucky that my cloth turned out fine, a lot of my classmates' cloths became monotone... As you know, some chemical thingy has to be applied after finishing coloring, so that the color will not go off when you wash and de-wax the cloth. But it didn't really work well, because the red color dye still fades A LOT when you wash it. Me being me, I put like, really great amounts of the chemical on my cloth, since it's free anyway LOL. That's why mine didn't wash out altogether, thankfully. The worst case in class was a girl who used magenta for flowers and blue for background. Well, her flowers became blue too after de-waxing. Sad case. Lesson: put an extra lot of chemical on your batik if you ever consider doing it.
Oh and that day we had a really random test kinda stuff. It's actually part of the PT3, it's just not counted. Kinda like the paper we took on the last day on UPSR. (which did not leak in my year) Basically it tests you on language first, then maths, then you have to answer a paper on perception, as in what do you think about blah blah, and finally one on preferred jobs, which is like, meaningless. Like anyone decided what to be in Form 3. We had been discussing what the ultimate goal is behind this whole thing, I mean, surely the government won't be so bored as to make us take a paper for fun... Don't arrest me for sedition.
The perception paper wasn't as fun as I expected. I mean, the UPSR one was really interesting. I remembered it asking what color will you paint your house. Hmm. Okay, the main point is, I find some questions in the paper quite interesting. (It's yes no questions btw.) (And the time given was too much, I was bored and began commenting on every statement...)
1. Do you prefer listening to music rather than reading? (Me: Does it contradict each other? I can read and listen to music together at once! Honestly it's what I always do.)
2. Do you listen to music while studying? (Not really. But yes when I do homework. Why? Because homework is completely useless and a waste of my concentration. So might as well concentrate on other stuff.)
3. Do you think music promotes unity? (I'm all for unity and peace, but I really fail to see a connection. Is there even one? Can someone pls point out to me?)
4. Do you prefer going to the park than the mall? (Me rather stay home ._.)
5. Do you like watching fish swim? (NO. I HAVE FISH PHOBIA.)
6a. Do you have a clear goal in life?
b. Do you have a vision?
(Me: Is there a difference? In the end I put yes for a and no for b... LOL. Well my goal in life is to earn money. As much as I can. $.$)
7. Do you know how to cut hair? (YES. I run a hair salon in school. No kidding. Well not really. I do help cut my friends' hair, but not the pro type of cuz. But then, the prefects are so NOT supposed to know about this skill.)
8. Do you march? (NO!! Marching is INSANE and INHUMANE. I canNOT imagine why anyone would want to march. It's just not right.)
9. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for others? (I put No. I'm honest. Why would I want to sacrifice myself? Life is precious.)
10. Do you believe in fate? (Ask Nicole and Nat and my mum. They'll tell you how much I'm against it.)
11. Do you feel calm when you pray? (Dunno. Ummmm being atheist or agnostic I don't pray???)
12. Are you afraid of lying? (Just because I don't lie doesn't mean I'm afraid. I'm more worried about getting caught. I thought for a while whether I'll lie and put Yes or be honest and put No. Guess what I put? I forgot... Serious.)
13. Do you wonder about the origin of this world? (Do you find this question too random?)
I scored the highest in the narcissism part I think. Not like really narcissism but it asks stuff like, are you confident, do you know your own strengths, etc. I got 19 out of 20. Oh well I admit I'm narcissist.
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