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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Thursday, February 3, 2011


In school, we have to pass up a diary entry almost every week. Our teacher promise she will never tell others what we wrote, that we can write anything we want. 
Just last week, the principal checked our diary books out of a sudden impulse. She said she just want to make sure we had all done our work. But the terrifying thing is that when I got back my book, I found out that she actually READ my entries! Talk about how teachers lie!
Fortunately, I didn't write bad things about her. Perhaps next time I should write this: I say good things about my principal all the time, even to pigeons flying by. Perhaps this will let the school give me all the things they should have given me, but have given my opponent, eh?
But if I try this, I suppose the pigeons will drop dead... then I will probably be interviewed by Mysteryquest, Mystery Files, and I will be famous...
I am going to try it.

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