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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Laaazzzzy me~~

Um, okay, first of all I'm back from Taiwan... 
obviously enough =.= <eyes rolling>
Actually I'm back like, a week ago but I'm just too lazy to update my blog... Sooorrrry~
I'm tired and sleepy~ Let me rest~~
 Anyway, I've got lots of great pics there, so I'll be posting them... Of course, NOT those with me inside, I looked terrible. ><
Don't take a picture of me, I look awful! Grr!
 Sigh~ Grew weaker since I'm back. Frequent headaches. Seems that I need to exercise and eat more healthily... T.T
That's about all for today, I'm laaazzzzy to write anymore... =P

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