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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Friday, August 8, 2014

A Bad Reference Book Could Lead To Early Death

We have language exams this week, so I answered some model questions in a reference book. Then, I saw this model essay answer that says that women should not work and instead stay home to look after children. As a feminist, I naturally disagree... Anyway my point is, if someone is influenced and agreed to that answer, it could lead to his early death~~~ Don't be too shocked, just listen to my logical explanation:

agreed to that essay ====>> use the points given during exam ====>>teacher disagrees (language teachers are usually female, and they work, in case you didn't notice) ====>> teacher dislikes you for being sexist ====>> get low marks ====>> get terrible results in exam ====>> are upset ====>> lose interest in studies ====>> fail SPM ====>> cannot get into university/college ====>> cannot find decent job ====>> become poor ====>> get depression ====>> fall sick easily ====>> early DEATH

See? It's perfectly rational.

p.s. I was so stressed out by the oral exam I got a migraine...

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