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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Months ago, I started hearing weird sounds every morning, sitting eating breakfast before going to school. Nobody else heard it, so at first I thought it's just me or my imagination. Well, thank goodness no one brought me to a doctor... because IT WASN'T! Recently, we discovered the cause--TERMITES! Argh.
  Today the pest control man came to my house. I saw termites with my own eyes for the first time. Guess what, they're really white. I didn't know that~ Haha. Back to the story. So, the man looked around, knocking on wood holding a sort of termite detecter or whatever. Having found the source, he drilled a hole in the wood--yikes, my poor furniture--and installed a box with poisonous baits in it. And... THAT'S IT? Yep.
  Oh ya! I missed a point. Whatever he did plus more follow-ups cost... No prize for guessing corectly, so here's the answer ya, RM@#)). Check that on your keyboard. May all termites be extinct. Okay, I'll admit that I'm not really that much of an animal lover...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

New School

  The first week of the year-end holidays have just gone by. I've recently graduated, and am going to start my middle-school life next year. I'm a bit nervous about changing to a brand new environment, as in the first year it's unlikely for me to be in the same class with my old friends. The school I'm probably going to is Penang Chinese Girls' School, where Form 1 students are classed by their birthdays. I'm an early Aries, borned in March, which means I'm most likely going to be in the same class with other students who are borned in March and April. Which is a really bad choice. Anyone who's interested in horoscopes will tell you that Pisces and Aries basically do NOT cope together well. Pisces and Pisces, Aries and Aries together have the same results. Duh.
  Leaving my primary school, I feel... well, half sad half happy. Happy because I finally graduated, and that I can leave people I dislike and unfair teachers behind. (Dear fellow classmates reading this, you-know-who.) Sad because I might not connect with some of my friends again, and leaving the environment I knew so well.
  I suppose life is just like that, and it just has to move on. Wish me good luck~ =)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

#9: Young Man

The moon was bright and the sky was cloudless.
  "Hey, why don't we go exploring?" unfortunately, Trick had chosen to hit upon another lousy idea of his again.
  "Trick! This isn't time for your silly ideas." I sighed.
  "Actually... I don't think it's such a bad idea." Natalie suddenly defended Trick.
  I stared at her. It was so not Natalie to stand on Trick's side, as she positively HATE him. "Nat? Is that you or what? You're helping him?"
  "Did I make an impression to my best friend that I am so unlogical? I just think that what he says is right, not who he is. Going exploring is perfectly logical. Our aim is to get out fast and alive, right? Which means, we can't just stay here doing nothing. Plus, who knows until when this good weather will stay? At least we need to stock up food, you know, in case we're stuck here and the mist landed again." Natalie reasoned. Heaving one last sigh, I gave up.
  "Mistress, look, there's a path!" It seemed to me that everyone else, even my dear Velvet, was totally into that exploring idea, as Velvet miaowed to me.
  "Let me see. Hm, that's a lake... and a field of grass besides. Should be safe. Come on everybody, follow me!" It's obvious that Natalie had taken the role of the expedition leader, much to Trick's unhappiness.
  We went down the steep path and walked around, searching for anything that might lead us out. Out of the blue, Red suddenly gave a yelp. "Somebody else is here too!"
  Turning, we saw a male figure silhouetted in the moonlight. "Since he's the only thing we've seen, meaning he survived or somewhat knows how to get away, we might as well talk to him." Natalie gave out another order.
  "Erm, hi? 'Cuse me, can you tell us where is this place, and how can we get back?" She cautiously approached, figuring that he should be just slightly elder than us.
  The young man didn't turn. He laughed softly but chillingly, and spoke just three words, "No one could."

<to be continued.>

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

#8: Legend

  "Hee....lloooooooo? Anybody? Just where... are we, or just me?" Natalie's voice can be heard some distance away from me. I opened my eyes but saw nothing but mist.
   As I said, the surroundings were very misty. It was some time before we gathered together, pets and all.
  "Let's just stay here. For all I know, there might be a cliff just beside us. I mean, we can't see properly in all this mist, can we?" Velvet suddenly spoke up.
  This aroused our suspisions. "Vel? Do you know anything about this place?" asked Natalie.
  "Come on, Vel. Do tell us." I urged my cat gently.
  "We..ll... I remembered reading a legend about something similar," Velvet hesitated, "somewhere further up in the woods, there was a tribe. They had a legend that there was a place where the sun sets very early. No one got out after they had gotten in. The place can also somehow transport people to a mysterious place of mountains, lakes and cliffs."
  We exchanged glances. "Uh-oh. This is so not right." Trick mumbled.
  As the mist began to cleared a little, we could see a steep cliff near us. At the same time, we heard..."Aaaooooooooooooooooooo..."

<to be continued.>

Monday, November 21, 2011


The title says it all. I am having a HEADACHE! Waa... Hope it will say goodbye soon... Wouldn't want to interrupt my plans for tommorrow. (First art lesson EVER, going to a friend's house.)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


My friend's mother brought us to 2 special restaurants in Hatyai: Waterview Restaurant and Log Terrace.
  Waterview Restaurant is a restaurant by the lake. (The name comes from being able to view the lake while eating.) The food is quite nice, and the tomyam is really spicy, but good all the same. What's special about it is that if you don't know about it, you never will as you have to travel through villages for it.
  Log Terrace is more special. It looks normal on the outside, located at the end of a small street by the river. However, the inside is a different matter altogether. As you see, it's furnished to look like a jungle. Even the toilet, the staircases, the pathways in it are included, and there are lots of places to explore. They even keep big fishes and a species of turtle(well, that's my best guess...) a floor below the restaurant for visitors like us to see. There was a crocodile once, but it escaped last year.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tut Tut

Because of the predicted flood, the basement carpark of the Regency was closed. As a result, we dare not drove our cars away after finally getting a place in the small small carpark that's available. That means, we have no transport to move around! The resolution was to hire a tut tut.
  Tut tuts are a speciality of Thailand. You can see them almost everywhere. It's kind of memorable actually to ride on one, but with another eleven people is a bit too crowded, isn't it...... Well, not that I'm complaining, but next time I really wouldn't dream of trying that again......

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

At the Customs

As I said, I went to Thailand(Hatyai to be exact). We stayed in the Regency, which was pretty good despite the fact that the hot water system in my room just cannot work. It was a Malaysian holiday on Monday(we went on Saturday) so there was a lot of people crossing the borders. Well, we have to wait for a long long time at the customs. But that wasn't the problem. Guess what, our car actually got stopped! Maybe the officers were too thirsty for coffee... It was the first time something like this happened to me.(I was lucky.) After finally getting in, we got stopped again... This time by Thai officers, some traffic police or whatever. What happened? I look so innocent! ;p

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Well, the title says it all. I fell sick the next day I came back from Thailand. Too bad. The good thing is, I enjoyed the trip. I now have a fever, a cough and a stuffy nose. Sob...sob... I can only pray that I will get well soon. :S

Friday, November 4, 2011

Trip to Thailand

I'm going to Thailand with my two best friends tommorrow! Woo-hoo! I'm very excited, not just because of going but because of finally going. We're supposed to have gone last week, but someone was busy. Then, that someone nearly stopped me from going. So meddlesome! Lastly, one of my friends got sick... But, well, luckily(with thanks to my ancestors whom I pray to every day), wish me a nice trip!

#7: Bermuda triangle?!

  "Tha, our compass is rotating." Trick suddenly called out to me.
  "Oh right. What now? This is so weird. There aren't any strong magnetic fields nearby, are there?" My sixth sense told me that something bad was going to happen.
  "Unless there is. Like Bermuda Triangle. The." Natalie gasped.
  "I once saw a show about it. It says that there are many places like that all around the Earth, only that we haven't discover it yet." Vironica reviewed.
  "So we get to be famous for this?" Red remarked dryly.
  "If we can get out alive. Strong magnetic fields can pull people into somewhere we dunno." Velvet warned, "Here. I've a meter to measure electronic and magnetic fields."
  We looked. And almost screamed. The meter... was broken as the field was too strong!
  "Careful!" I hadn't the chance to warn anybody as a vortex of air sucked us into....

<to be continued.> 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

#6: Lost!

  "Attention everybody...Attention...Please go to the campfire site at once. The treasure hunt in the woods is about to begin." a teacher's voice boomed over the whole camp area.
  "Oh yeah! I've nearly forgotten about it." I said while hurrying over.
  "Let's hope we can find some clues about white-tail." Natalie suggested hopefully.
  "Here's your map. The first team to come back here with the treasure is the winner." one of our teachers, who was actually a witch, winked at us,"Cute pets."
After an hour or so......
  "We are getting nowhere!" Trick complained, "according to the map, we've reached our destination. Lousy map! Our school never gives out any useful thing. I should have remembered that!"
  "Hang on a moment. The surroundings are different. See, there should be a path way nearby, but there isn't." Vironica, studying the map, pointed out.
  Natalie tear off a piece of colour paper and slid it under a stone. "You know, we should mark this place in case of...well, you know."
  "Why don't we just give up and go back? The prize is just a RM10 popular voucher, none of us need it, right? And vampire is not around to laugh at us. Plus, it's getting dark." I sighed impatiently.
  "You mean go back while we still can."Trick saw through my timidness,"But I agree."
  "Come on. It's only four. I know it's kind of dark, but hey, we're in woods, right? Trees. What do you expect? Just locate this bridge we've crossed, and we can start again."Natalie, showing her stubborn streak, urged us along.
  We walked for 15 minutes. Then, we ended up looking at the pieces of colour paper again.
<to be continued.>

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

#5: Even More Tricks

  " that means..." Red popped in.
  Everyone was thinking about the same thing. At last, Trick said, "I think that's quite unlikely. Maybe the culprit has some white exotic dog?"
  Nobody said anything anymore. We slowly walk to the campfire site, just in time for breakfast.
  "I need go to the toilet, leave a place for me." Trick motioned to a chair beside us.
Several minutes later......
  "Ba..." Trick hadn't even finish saying a word when the chair he had sat on collapsed! Poor Trick, he was really embarassed. 
  After breakfast, we had some free time to explore around. "Guess what, I had actually seen the white tail again on the way back here." We froze hearing Trick's incident report.
  " you think it's aiming for Trick?" Natalie, a good detective, suggested.
  "But how can it know that my master is going to sit on that chair?" objected Red, "And we didn't see any thing doing anything."
  "A normal person surely can't, but here we're dealing with...magical creatures?" Velvet finally said, lowering her tone over the last two words.
  "I agree with my cat. Who but them can make a chair collapse like paper?" I supported Velvet whole-heartedly.
  "So maybe white-tail is the one after all. But why me?!" Trick sighed.
  "I suppose we just have to wait and see." was my reply.

<to be continued.>