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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Months ago, I started hearing weird sounds every morning, sitting eating breakfast before going to school. Nobody else heard it, so at first I thought it's just me or my imagination. Well, thank goodness no one brought me to a doctor... because IT WASN'T! Recently, we discovered the cause--TERMITES! Argh.
  Today the pest control man came to my house. I saw termites with my own eyes for the first time. Guess what, they're really white. I didn't know that~ Haha. Back to the story. So, the man looked around, knocking on wood holding a sort of termite detecter or whatever. Having found the source, he drilled a hole in the wood--yikes, my poor furniture--and installed a box with poisonous baits in it. And... THAT'S IT? Yep.
  Oh ya! I missed a point. Whatever he did plus more follow-ups cost... No prize for guessing corectly, so here's the answer ya, RM@#)). Check that on your keyboard. May all termites be extinct. Okay, I'll admit that I'm not really that much of an animal lover...

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