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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Sunday, November 27, 2011

New School

  The first week of the year-end holidays have just gone by. I've recently graduated, and am going to start my middle-school life next year. I'm a bit nervous about changing to a brand new environment, as in the first year it's unlikely for me to be in the same class with my old friends. The school I'm probably going to is Penang Chinese Girls' School, where Form 1 students are classed by their birthdays. I'm an early Aries, borned in March, which means I'm most likely going to be in the same class with other students who are borned in March and April. Which is a really bad choice. Anyone who's interested in horoscopes will tell you that Pisces and Aries basically do NOT cope together well. Pisces and Pisces, Aries and Aries together have the same results. Duh.
  Leaving my primary school, I feel... well, half sad half happy. Happy because I finally graduated, and that I can leave people I dislike and unfair teachers behind. (Dear fellow classmates reading this, you-know-who.) Sad because I might not connect with some of my friends again, and leaving the environment I knew so well.
  I suppose life is just like that, and it just has to move on. Wish me good luck~ =)

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