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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The silliest thing you can imagine!!!!!!!

It was a Sat. I went to Old Town for dinner with my parents. It was a normal normal day as usual... No. Something very very silly happened that day. In Old Town. Let's see... are you smart enough to discover it? Don't be sad if you can't. We didn't until later.

First, we ordered a curry mee, a curry chicken rice and a lam mee.
-Anything wrong?-
Then the food came. We ate. I was as usual the last one to finish, as my parents can eat way faster than I can. I concentrated on eating. The lam mee was quite nice, nicer than my school canteen, and of course, more expensive.
-Anything wrong?-
After I finished, we left.
-Anything wrong?-

We continued shopping, I even bought a watch. On the way walking back to our car, we paused to eat 'oh cen'. Suddenly my father realised something was wrong. Clue: he rushed back to the shopping mall.

Time for the answer!!!

Yeah, that's it. My father was so... honest that he insisted on going back to pay... How =.='''

Friday, January 27, 2012

Termites: Third Follow-up

I was at school. Anyway, my mother told me about it. The man said the termites are all dead...

Days after...
Is it just me or are there the 'termite noise' again? Argh! I don't trust that man! Anyway, he'll be coming to check again very soon. Sigh.

Do disappear, termites!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012


  Primary teachers are terrible. That doesn't change in secondaries. How to start? Okay, I suppose the teachers aren't as fierce as primary ones. I mean, most of them. There are still some teachers, they can't stand any talking, they speak very fast but you must understand, and you have to finish your work fast.
  That isn't the worst. There are some others, who are very petty and picky, and think you should worship them! So stupid! It's not just these, but there are also some teachers who keeps dropping a hint here and there for you to attend their tuitions! Argh! If you want us to attend, just SAY! How do you expect us to guess?
  So... any volunteers to teach me how to survive? Thanks...

Friday, January 13, 2012


Another week just passed... My classmates were A BIT better now, but I still miss my ex-classmates very much! Miss the days when I walk into class, someone would say hi or even quarrel with me T.T No more such scenes now...
  I've discovered that if you want to survive, or get ANYTHING in PCGHS you have to rush RUSH RUSH!!! Not only rush, but RUSH. As in pushing past other people, running fast to get there...
  Rushing to buy food in a 800+ people-filled canteen is normal. Rushing to get out of school is still normal. BUT RUSHING TO GET A PLACE IN THE CO-CURRICULUM ACTIVITY IS SO NOT NORMAL!!! I mean, in primary school, everyone gets what they want. The teacher ask, you answer. No worries. And you get what you want. Sorry, that's no more now.
  Now what? RUSH. You have to RUSH to get a place before the forms run out, because almost everyone wants the same thing: the only few activities with no marching needed. Okay, I just have to be there early to queue, the normal mind thinks. Sorry, no. NO ONE QUEUES. EVERYONE PUSH AND SQUEEZE ALL THEIR MIGHT. Argh!!!
  I miss my primary school life...

Friday, January 6, 2012

First few days at school

Today it's the 3rd time I return home from PCGHS after an afternoon there! Seriously, studying with all those top students from other schools is very stressful. TT Thank goodness I still have my friends during recess(we're in different classes, unfortunately)because making new friends is VERY HARD!!!
  The people in my class... They're so icy! Not just cold, but ICY! The first day, our class was located in the South Pole. Second day, North Pole. The temperature increased a bit day by day. Now? Denmark. ;P
  My class is K1D. I don't know what K stands for. Anyway, we're pretty unlucky. WE WERE CHOSEN TO TEST FOR A NEW EDUCATING SYSTEM LAUNCHING IN 2014!!! There're only 7 classes like this in the whole nation. Argh! We have to go to school 1 hour early every Fri from Feb to Apr. Not that I cared, since my parents usually drop me off that time to avoid traffic jams... =.=''' What I cared most is that we'll be back to normal in May, and the 1st exam is in May. The other classes have been teached for it all the way from Jan to May, but us? NOOO. The teachers are only allowed to teach us certain things during the test program. Which means, they have to rush in Jan or May. AND SO WE MIGHT LOSE OTHER PEOPLE!!! I want to get into A class next year. So much for my plans... WAAAA

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

#13: Statues

  We decided not to do anything for the time being, at least until the eclipse night. In return, we had a few days of peace.

  "Hey, so what's our plan for tonight?" asked Trick.
  "Nothing. Plannings never catch up with the speed things change." Natalie replied, somewhat coldly. Actually, I myself was also worried. Just going into the dangerous woods with no plan in mind seemed silly, but what plans can you make?

  "Um, are you sure we're going in now? The eclipse haven't started yet." Trick objected. It was 11p.m. The eclipse was at midnight. 
  "Please, don't be so timid! You're the only male of us three, and yet!" I snapped.
  "We aren't forcing you to come along. You can go back to sleep now." Natalie added.
  Trick sighed, then shrugged sheepishly. "I'm just saying that it's full moon tonight... extra danger. But, ok if you two are going, I suppose."
  Nat glared at him, but thought about it anyway. "We have to. See, this is our last night here, the last chance to get to the bottom of this, and the final and only possible chance to get rid of the demon. Remember, that's our responsibility as witches and warlocks." Adding under her breathe, "And a good chance to increase our powers..."
  We set off. This time, we weren't lost. We followed the clear blue river into the heart of the forest. "Beast or demon, they all need water. The best place to find them in by the river deep in the jungle." Natalie, the expedition leader as usual, quoted from a magic textbook.
  "Whoa, hang on!" Trick suddenly exclaimed. We turned in his direction. In the middle of the forest there was a clearing. In the clearing there were many large stone statues! Before we had a chance to warn or stop Trick, he touched the biggest statue of all.
  Bang! Someone hit his forehead on a stone wall. Trick, of course. Me and Nat were never that clumsy. Suprised by the sudden appear of a wall, we looked around.
  We weren't in a clearing anymore. We were in a cave, and a narrow, winding, tunnel-like, exitless one too. We walked slowly along it, hoping to find a way to escape.
  "Here!" I whispered. We had finally reached a broader place. Then I gasped. Sitting on a throne-like chair, in the middle of the cave-room... was a nine-tail fox, with Sandy's face!

<to be continued.>
**The next ep, #14 is the ending of this story! Don't miss it! Coming soon.**

#12: Vixen?!

  I had to act fast. Suddenly, an idea hit upon me! I remembered that the message had said 'mortal'. Gods and spirits, of course, were immortals. And they're the ones I need to power my spells! Thinking hard, I remembered also that Natalie had said something about the connection between our unknown enemy and the Moon. As a witch of water element, I had the ability to summon rain. In order to have rain, there must therefore be clouds. And so, I could also summon clouds: just the thing needed to block out moonlight.
  "Come to me, clouds, and block the moonlight out." I was unable to think of a better rhyme. Anyway, it worked! We managed to scramble back safely.

The next day...
  "So, there's proof that whatever that thing is, its powers are linked with the Moon?" asked a confused Trick.
  "Ya. That limits the possibilities of the demons responsible for it." I replied.
  "So far we have got moon powers, message sending, body controling, and either illusions creating(which is more likely) or trafficking other things into other realms." Natalie noted.
  "Mistress!" Velvet emerged. "I just finished my research. Powers linked with the Moon is for female demons only. And the only female demon fitting all those things Mistress Natalie said is... the nine-tail-fox."

<to be continued.>

Monday, January 2, 2012

#11: Lured

  "Where's Trick?" I wondered aloud. It was 11:50 already, and yet there's only Natalie and I at the waiting spot.
  "Just so like that fox to be late!" Natalie was pretty angry. She turned her gaze away from the Moon which she had kept an eye on. It was a bit cloudy when we two met up, but as the Moon can still be seen Natalie was very cautious.
  The minute she turned to the woods, not paying attention to the Moon, the clouds surrounding it was blown away by a sudden gust of wind. However, we, standing on land, didn't feel anything. At first. Just as sudden the going of the clouds, Nat and I began to feel a strong urge to walk into the woods!
  We couldn't control ourselves at all. Our legs moved by themselves, taking us deeper and deeper in. I could see Trick somewhere in front of us. I tried to call to him, but to no avail as he didn't seem to hear me, even though the distance between us was not long.
  See? Just telling you, even if you scream, no mortal but you will hear it. Hahahahahaha! All of a sudden, this message popped into my head. I stole a look at Nat two paces behind me. Thanks to all our years of friendship, I understood that something similar had obviously happen to her.
  I looked back to the woods in front. I noticed that Trick had stopped in his tracks. Natalie and I too stopped soon enough. Terrified, I suddenly realized that this was the same place as the place we got lost before! Naturally, I tried to run, but of course I couldn't!

<to be continued.>

#10: Back

  The next thing I knew, I was back in the camp.
  "Tha, you ok?" Nat walked into my camp. "I'm the first to wake up. You the second. That fox, he's still in a coma."
  "Um, I guess I'm alright. Where am I?" I asked.
  "Back. In the camp. You remembered anything?" Natalie replied. I shook my head. "Neither do I. Just now Miss Tan told me that Sandy found us. Apparently, we fainted or something like that. The last thing I remembered was talking to a young man, asking the way out."
  Sandy? I thought it over, then glanced at Nat. We both hated Sandy, but almost every boy in our school liked her very much. We had always thought her a bit seductive. Now that these weird things happen, it seemed to us that there might be a connection between her and them. But we just couldn't place it yet. 
  Just then, Trick came in. "Um, can someone explain this to me? I'm kind of confused."
  I retold the story. I didn't tell him our suspicions, because he's one of those boys, and he wouldn't believe us surely.
  "We must go into the woods again tonight." Natalie suddenly spoke.
  "Why?" The statement caught me supprised. 
  "Did you realise that the mysterious happenings are somehow connected with the moon? There will be a lunar eclipse the last night of this camp. It's a chance we can't miss. We have to explore the surroundings in the woods first, to make the best of that chance." Natalie explained. It was agreed that we will meet up at 11:45 p.m. before venturing into the woods.

<to be continued.>

Sunday, January 1, 2012


A new year has just begun. This also means that our holidays are over! School will reopen soon... Sigh.
  I'm in Form 1 this year, which is known to be a busy form. That means I'll have to attend many activities, tuitions and also study extra hard. Sigh.
  I guess I won't have much time for entertainmant, let alone the proper managing of a blog, but don't give up on my blog completely! I'll try to post once a week, mostly on Fridays I suppose.