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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Friday, January 6, 2012

First few days at school

Today it's the 3rd time I return home from PCGHS after an afternoon there! Seriously, studying with all those top students from other schools is very stressful. TT Thank goodness I still have my friends during recess(we're in different classes, unfortunately)because making new friends is VERY HARD!!!
  The people in my class... They're so icy! Not just cold, but ICY! The first day, our class was located in the South Pole. Second day, North Pole. The temperature increased a bit day by day. Now? Denmark. ;P
  My class is K1D. I don't know what K stands for. Anyway, we're pretty unlucky. WE WERE CHOSEN TO TEST FOR A NEW EDUCATING SYSTEM LAUNCHING IN 2014!!! There're only 7 classes like this in the whole nation. Argh! We have to go to school 1 hour early every Fri from Feb to Apr. Not that I cared, since my parents usually drop me off that time to avoid traffic jams... =.=''' What I cared most is that we'll be back to normal in May, and the 1st exam is in May. The other classes have been teached for it all the way from Jan to May, but us? NOOO. The teachers are only allowed to teach us certain things during the test program. Which means, they have to rush in Jan or May. AND SO WE MIGHT LOSE OTHER PEOPLE!!! I want to get into A class next year. So much for my plans... WAAAA

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