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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Monday, January 2, 2012

#10: Back

  The next thing I knew, I was back in the camp.
  "Tha, you ok?" Nat walked into my camp. "I'm the first to wake up. You the second. That fox, he's still in a coma."
  "Um, I guess I'm alright. Where am I?" I asked.
  "Back. In the camp. You remembered anything?" Natalie replied. I shook my head. "Neither do I. Just now Miss Tan told me that Sandy found us. Apparently, we fainted or something like that. The last thing I remembered was talking to a young man, asking the way out."
  Sandy? I thought it over, then glanced at Nat. We both hated Sandy, but almost every boy in our school liked her very much. We had always thought her a bit seductive. Now that these weird things happen, it seemed to us that there might be a connection between her and them. But we just couldn't place it yet. 
  Just then, Trick came in. "Um, can someone explain this to me? I'm kind of confused."
  I retold the story. I didn't tell him our suspicions, because he's one of those boys, and he wouldn't believe us surely.
  "We must go into the woods again tonight." Natalie suddenly spoke.
  "Why?" The statement caught me supprised. 
  "Did you realise that the mysterious happenings are somehow connected with the moon? There will be a lunar eclipse the last night of this camp. It's a chance we can't miss. We have to explore the surroundings in the woods first, to make the best of that chance." Natalie explained. It was agreed that we will meet up at 11:45 p.m. before venturing into the woods.

<to be continued.>

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