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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

#13: Statues

  We decided not to do anything for the time being, at least until the eclipse night. In return, we had a few days of peace.

  "Hey, so what's our plan for tonight?" asked Trick.
  "Nothing. Plannings never catch up with the speed things change." Natalie replied, somewhat coldly. Actually, I myself was also worried. Just going into the dangerous woods with no plan in mind seemed silly, but what plans can you make?

  "Um, are you sure we're going in now? The eclipse haven't started yet." Trick objected. It was 11p.m. The eclipse was at midnight. 
  "Please, don't be so timid! You're the only male of us three, and yet!" I snapped.
  "We aren't forcing you to come along. You can go back to sleep now." Natalie added.
  Trick sighed, then shrugged sheepishly. "I'm just saying that it's full moon tonight... extra danger. But, ok if you two are going, I suppose."
  Nat glared at him, but thought about it anyway. "We have to. See, this is our last night here, the last chance to get to the bottom of this, and the final and only possible chance to get rid of the demon. Remember, that's our responsibility as witches and warlocks." Adding under her breathe, "And a good chance to increase our powers..."
  We set off. This time, we weren't lost. We followed the clear blue river into the heart of the forest. "Beast or demon, they all need water. The best place to find them in by the river deep in the jungle." Natalie, the expedition leader as usual, quoted from a magic textbook.
  "Whoa, hang on!" Trick suddenly exclaimed. We turned in his direction. In the middle of the forest there was a clearing. In the clearing there were many large stone statues! Before we had a chance to warn or stop Trick, he touched the biggest statue of all.
  Bang! Someone hit his forehead on a stone wall. Trick, of course. Me and Nat were never that clumsy. Suprised by the sudden appear of a wall, we looked around.
  We weren't in a clearing anymore. We were in a cave, and a narrow, winding, tunnel-like, exitless one too. We walked slowly along it, hoping to find a way to escape.
  "Here!" I whispered. We had finally reached a broader place. Then I gasped. Sitting on a throne-like chair, in the middle of the cave-room... was a nine-tail fox, with Sandy's face!

<to be continued.>
**The next ep, #14 is the ending of this story! Don't miss it! Coming soon.**

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