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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Friday, June 13, 2014

Black Friday =P

So today is Friday the 13th! And it's a full moon... The next time this happens will be in year 2049 ._. I was actually bored enough to snap a picture of the full moon haha. Anyone wanna hunt werewolves tonight? Or wolves...

So hols is going to end soon, so sad. And we'll have to face our (terrible) results... But we might as well have some fun before it ends... Today I went out to sing Karaoke with my primary friends, it was really fun! We have to do it again some time. XD And yesterday we went to Flo's new condo, the Light, for potluck... It was really hard to find coz it's not on Google... Google still thinks that that area is sea water (It's build on reclaim land.) so yea. And our lives seriously rely on Google too much. The pizza delivery guy even got lost coz he can't find it either. And we brought so much food I must have gained weight... Which is a good thing actually since I'm too skinny... And I was so full I didn't eat dinner. And we took (embarrassing) videos.

No pictures... I'm really lazy to post photos coz I have to transfer it from my phone to Facebook to laptop to blog. Duh.

p.s. Since it's black friday I might as well post some creepy stuff! Who doesn't like horror stories? In that case don't click the link.

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