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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Saturday, November 15, 2014


I think I might have accidentally taken sleeping pills today...

Well, I slept for 15 hours today. That's a lot. I woke at 12 noon, (I slept at 12 midnight last night.) had lunch, and then slept again until 5. I almost thought I was sick... I wonder what's wrong with me?

And I had this crazy dream that my art teacher was going to film a horror movie, and asked us to act in it. The storyline was about monsters climbing out of a tv. So cliche. And somehow we went to a place with a lot of rumah setinggan(illegal housing) and big drains...... And I kept telling my teacher his props look too fake. Such a weird dream.

I feel sleepy even now. Good night peeps.

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