Originally I want to post about something else. Then I opened my Facebook. Then I look at my game request page. WHOA. It's like two days and 56 requests. Okay, I've seen worse... When I first have Facebook I always left the requests there without touching them and one day Nat helped me open to... dunno, feed my cat? And she was like, GO CLEAR UP your requests!!! So yea I decided to change the post topic. Lol, I'm really a random person.
Things you should know about game requests.
1. If people didn't respond that means they don't wanna play. So quit sending annoying game requests.
2. Seriously we are not blind. You send once, and already people can see it. You don't have to send it REPEATEDLY. Duh.
3. Do you know how annoying it is when you (finally) get a notification and it's, "XXX send you in a request in XXX" ?
4. If the app shows that I played the game but it's like, level 1, that means I tried and quit. So don't bother to send my any request coz I'll just ignore them.
5. Facebook has these really annoying apps like, Best Friends, Who has a Secret Crush on You etc. I dunno if anyone really use them. Well I don't. And for some reason they keep popping up.
6. I do not play Farmville, Candy Crush, Dragon City and Criminal Case anymore. And a lot more. This person has a tendency to get bored of a game very fast.
p.s. I just discovered that list obsession spreads fast. It's a (hopefully not fatal) disease. You can visit Florence at Littledreamie and see. She's infected.
p.s.s. I keep having typos today! What is wrong with me?
p.s.s.s. My monthly blog views have broken previous records! YAY!! Although I might have to thank vampirestats for it. Kinda. Seriously can't they change to a nicer name?
p.s.s.s.s. All of a sudden I feel like drinking Starbucks. Unfortunately it's late and I'm home alone. Sad case of a coffee addict.
Search Velvet's Blog
Miaow, My Virtual Kitten
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
My house has this PVR Astro thing, meaning we can record programs so that we can watch later. So one of my hobbies became scrolling through the tv guide and searching for interesting movies to record.
And to me, interesting normally means scary.
Which means, I end up recording lots of horror movies.
Unfortunately, I'm not as brave as I sound. Most of the recorded horror movies just lie untouched, because I don't really dare to watch them. So I tried to delete them. But my mum is like, that's such a waste! You should at least give it a try! Duh. (It seems that I like saying duh.)
So, I tried. First movie, House at the End of the Street. Actually this is not horror. It's just that everyone mistook it for horror. Duh. But the truth is kinda creepy. Not really scary tho.
Actually I watched The Cat first. COOL MOVIE. The cat is so damn cute you won't get scared. Owh and the film is Korean and only Malay subs are provided. Kinda sad.
And I watched The Possession just now. I'll say it's scary but not scary. Okay, I mean it tries too hard to be scary so yea. But some scenes are really creepy. And the movie teaches us? Don't pry open boxes that cannot be opened, and don't use hand phones when you are driving! Trust me if you watch the movie you'll know.
Movie reviews end here. Talk about something else. You know the new show on Fox? Sleepy Hollow? Cool man. It's like, NCSI + Paranormal Actitvity + Charmed + Europe folk tales + black humor + one handsome guy. Haha. Thank Natalie for recommending me!
And to me, interesting normally means scary.
Which means, I end up recording lots of horror movies.
Unfortunately, I'm not as brave as I sound. Most of the recorded horror movies just lie untouched, because I don't really dare to watch them. So I tried to delete them. But my mum is like, that's such a waste! You should at least give it a try! Duh. (It seems that I like saying duh.)
So, I tried. First movie, House at the End of the Street. Actually this is not horror. It's just that everyone mistook it for horror. Duh. But the truth is kinda creepy. Not really scary tho.
Actually I watched The Cat first. COOL MOVIE. The cat is so damn cute you won't get scared. Owh and the film is Korean and only Malay subs are provided. Kinda sad.
And I watched The Possession just now. I'll say it's scary but not scary. Okay, I mean it tries too hard to be scary so yea. But some scenes are really creepy. And the movie teaches us? Don't pry open boxes that cannot be opened, and don't use hand phones when you are driving! Trust me if you watch the movie you'll know.
Movie reviews end here. Talk about something else. You know the new show on Fox? Sleepy Hollow? Cool man. It's like, NCSI + Paranormal Actitvity + Charmed + Europe folk tales + black humor + one handsome guy. Haha. Thank Natalie for recommending me!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Yep so today I had my very first swimming lesson! It's kinda cool really. Basically the coach said I have no big problem, I just have to relax more and allow the water to help. Well, it seems that relaxing is some thing I have to learn! My piano teacher also asks me to relax more during playing... =.=
The good news is that Flo is coming to learn with me next week. Yay! Hopefully I'm not going to be so cacat (terrible) next week, I don't wanna mempersiasuikan diri (embarrass myself) haha.
Short post today... I'm kinda tired. By the way, Propolis is a really good thing to consume if you are feeling tired. It really works!
The good news is that Flo is coming to learn with me next week. Yay! Hopefully I'm not going to be so cacat (terrible) next week, I don't wanna mempersiasuikan diri (embarrass myself) haha.
Short post today... I'm kinda tired. By the way, Propolis is a really good thing to consume if you are feeling tired. It really works!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
So today I went to Gurney with my friends, Flo and Nat. Originally 7 peeps were invited but only 3 turned up. Sad case.
Sherwin: I've got piano practice! I'm supposed to perform at a wedding!
Becca: My gramps visit me. :0
Ee: ... <I dunno why the hell she doesn't want to come =.=>
Nic: No transport, busy mum, pajamas. T.T
So yea. The outing was supposed to be Redbox plus dessert at Macaron Cafe, but in the end it became...
=> Lunch at Chicago Rib House. No lunch was planned but since Flo was hungry... The food was nice but wayyy too expensive. A burger, 3 drinks and 1 sundae cost us almost RM100. Like, what the hell.
=> SHOPPING. At Fourskin. Flo bought a pair of sunglasses. Not exactly sunglasses. The type of cool glasses which the person wearing it can see through but to other people the glasses are mirrors. Cool man. And cute too!
=> Redbox finally. Student holiday package, RM18+ for each person. The drinks and snacks definitely improved. A LOT. And it's more fun with less people actually. Obviously you can avoid mike-snatching (as Nic calls it) and you won't feel so afraid to sing in front of too many peeps. Yay.
We were too busy eating and singing so yea. No photos. XD
Sherwin: I've got piano practice! I'm supposed to perform at a wedding!
Becca: My gramps visit me. :0
Ee: ... <I dunno why the hell she doesn't want to come =.=>
Nic: No transport, busy mum, pajamas. T.T
So yea. The outing was supposed to be Redbox plus dessert at Macaron Cafe, but in the end it became...
=> Lunch at Chicago Rib House. No lunch was planned but since Flo was hungry... The food was nice but wayyy too expensive. A burger, 3 drinks and 1 sundae cost us almost RM100. Like, what the hell.
=> SHOPPING. At Fourskin. Flo bought a pair of sunglasses. Not exactly sunglasses. The type of cool glasses which the person wearing it can see through but to other people the glasses are mirrors. Cool man. And cute too!
=> Redbox finally. Student holiday package, RM18+ for each person. The drinks and snacks definitely improved. A LOT. And it's more fun with less people actually. Obviously you can avoid mike-snatching (as Nic calls it) and you won't feel so afraid to sing in front of too many peeps. Yay.
We were too busy eating and singing so yea. No photos. XD
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
6 Embarassing Moments in a Mall
On Sunday I went to Prangin Mall and didn't blog. But hey, it's worth it! You kinda get inspired after walking around for a bit. Definitely better than sitting at home... I didn't buy anything but I saw a shop that I'm sure Flo would love! But I forgot the name... ._. I still remember how to get there okay?
Anyway, back to the main topic. Embarrassing Moments in a Mall (when you don't wanna see your friend. Not necessarily.)
1. When your mum drags you to shop for lingerie. Definitely the top item on my list. Duh.
2. When you go into the lingerie shop... And you see a MAN. Shopping with his wife. DUH.
3. Ok finally this has nothing to do with lingerie. When you do something crazy and childish such as skipping to the dairy section in Tesco. Trust me I have never done that. It's inspired by Nicole.
4.When you trip over the elevator stairs. And people behind look like you like you're an idiot. Been there, done that. Thankfully it's a long time ago, as a kid.
5. When you look at someone and you're like, hey that guy looks like a discipline teacher. And suddenly that person caught your glance and she's like, why is that freak looking at me? Actually this happens everywhere...
6. When you meet someone you kinda know but also kinda not know and you're like, please ignore my pathetic existence. More awkwardly, you saw someone you know and he or she is wearing very outrageous clothes. As do you.
Anyway, back to the main topic. Embarrassing Moments in a Mall (when you don't wanna see your friend. Not necessarily.)
1. When your mum drags you to shop for lingerie. Definitely the top item on my list. Duh.
2. When you go into the lingerie shop... And you see a MAN. Shopping with his wife. DUH.
3. Ok finally this has nothing to do with lingerie. When you do something crazy and childish such as skipping to the dairy section in Tesco. Trust me I have never done that. It's inspired by Nicole.
4.When you trip over the elevator stairs. And people behind look like you like you're an idiot. Been there, done that. Thankfully it's a long time ago, as a kid.
5. When you look at someone and you're like, hey that guy looks like a discipline teacher. And suddenly that person caught your glance and she's like, why is that freak looking at me? Actually this happens everywhere...
6. When you meet someone you kinda know but also kinda not know and you're like, please ignore my pathetic existence. More awkwardly, you saw someone you know and he or she is wearing very outrageous clothes. As do you.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Someone asked me why is it that I always seem to wear jeans... Might as well make it into a post. XD
1. It's easier to match with clothes. Sometimes I'm too lazy to think, so I just grab a pair of jeans haha.
2. Reduce sunlight exposure! Yes I try to wear long pants when I go outdoors, even if it's hot sometimes. Yes that's how I maintain my skin white... Sad case.
3. You have to know how hard it is for someone my size to buy shorts. Shorts that do not look weird, too baggy or too short. Duh.
4. I wear jeans when I go to some malls. Cold malls. Like, 1st Avenue. Actually it's not really cold. I mean, some places are freezing and some just normal. Weird air cond system. Yeah so, I'm kinda afraid of the cold, haha. I need optimum temperature to survive.
5. Oh ya. Almost forgot this one. I normally wear jeans to my grandma's house. To avoid mosquitoes. After I wore leggings and the damn insect bit straight thru it. Duh.
Post ended. Can't think of anything to say... Yawn. Sleepy cat~
1. It's easier to match with clothes. Sometimes I'm too lazy to think, so I just grab a pair of jeans haha.
2. Reduce sunlight exposure! Yes I try to wear long pants when I go outdoors, even if it's hot sometimes. Yes that's how I maintain my skin white... Sad case.
3. You have to know how hard it is for someone my size to buy shorts. Shorts that do not look weird, too baggy or too short. Duh.
4. I wear jeans when I go to some malls. Cold malls. Like, 1st Avenue. Actually it's not really cold. I mean, some places are freezing and some just normal. Weird air cond system. Yeah so, I'm kinda afraid of the cold, haha. I need optimum temperature to survive.
5. Oh ya. Almost forgot this one. I normally wear jeans to my grandma's house. To avoid mosquitoes. After I wore leggings and the damn insect bit straight thru it. Duh.
Post ended. Can't think of anything to say... Yawn. Sleepy cat~
Saturday, November 23, 2013
To Florence XD
Haha yea it's a post for you Flo. I'm not going to talk about you, I'm just fulfilling your request! Guys, remember I mentioned Natalie and I were working on a novel previously? Flo asked to read it, so I'll post some of it here. The main reason I'm doing this is because I have a piano lesson at 4.30 so I am really short of time to post a proper post so I'll just upload the novel from my computer haha to save time!
I think the story is actually a bit lame. So I'll just post a short sector to avoid boring you guys out. Please leave comments to tell me what you think of it! Don't expect too much.
I think the story is actually a bit lame. So I'll just post a short sector to avoid boring you guys out. Please leave comments to tell me what you think of it! Don't expect too much.
王座上的人儿幽幽地叹了一口气。是,他是这世界的王,可他也是个父亲,却又是个弟弟;王这身份要求他不偏袒任何一位王位候选者,可天下哪位父母不会偏爱自己的孩子、哪对兄弟之间没有情感?他又何尝不知道多年来漠和吟之间的暗潮汹涌,可…… 上一代的恩怨,无论如何还是波及到了他们的孩子吗?他长久以来的介入,究竟是否有他要的结果,抑或仅是令事态更糟?也许,过往的事物的阴影,注定永远如鬼魅般笼罩,挥之不去!他,也无能为力了。
p.s. Some parts of the story are set in the modern world, so not all are so lame! Apparently this part is NOT modern. :0
Friday, November 22, 2013
I'm taking swimming lessons this hols! Like, finally. Yeah, I don't really know how to swim. I won't die if you throw me in a swimming pool, but I'll just float there in the middle of the pool waiting for someone to rescue me. So, I have decided that I MUST learn to swim.
And yet, my 1st obstacle is that I have definitely outgrown my old swimsuits. So, I went shopping. The 2nd obstacle is that I discovered that it is VERY hard for someone my size to shop for a swimsuit. The only swimsuit I found that does not look WEIRD or TOO BIG on me is definitely not fashionable. Sigh. I really have to eat more and be fatter!
Here's a picture. Well this is not my exact swimsuit as I got the pic off the internet. Don't blame me, it's really troublesome to transfer pics from my phone to my computer! Especially with Natalie nagging me every time I used Facebook to transfer. Apparently I still haven't mastered the skill of blogging with my phone, don't you people find it hard to type with the tiny phone screen? Well I do, obviously, so I'm currently stuck with typing the old-fashioned way. So, I try my best to post pictures still because Flo told me not blog post is complete without pictures! And Nic does some crazy things to ensure her posts have enough photos. :0

Or maybe this picture...
Different pattern but the shape is there.
Reasons for choosing swimsuits like this. (Yes, it's a list.)
1. I do not look weird wearing it. MAIN REASON.
2. Erm, less exposure to sunlight?
3. Hide my less-than-perfect body shape :0
4. I dunno!!! Because I don't really have a choice. =.=
So yeah I will try to continue blogging every day because Flo keeps motivating me! ^.^ <<====== actually this expression kinda looks like a cat. Fine, ignore me.
And yet, my 1st obstacle is that I have definitely outgrown my old swimsuits. So, I went shopping. The 2nd obstacle is that I discovered that it is VERY hard for someone my size to shop for a swimsuit. The only swimsuit I found that does not look WEIRD or TOO BIG on me is definitely not fashionable. Sigh. I really have to eat more and be fatter!
Or maybe this picture...
Different pattern but the shape is there.
Reasons for choosing swimsuits like this. (Yes, it's a list.)
1. I do not look weird wearing it. MAIN REASON.
2. Erm, less exposure to sunlight?
3. Hide my less-than-perfect body shape :0
4. I dunno!!! Because I don't really have a choice. =.=
So yeah I will try to continue blogging every day because Flo keeps motivating me! ^.^ <<====== actually this expression kinda looks like a cat. Fine, ignore me.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Random stuff and photos
This post is pretty random, haha.
I don't think I can blog every day after today, coz I'm helping Natalie edit her novel... I wonder if anyone here is interested to read? It's kinda weird but I guarantee it will be better than those in my blog x years ago... It's in Chinese though. Maybe I can post some just for a quick read?
Anyway the main point of this post is, remember the photo shoot pics that I promised? Well, I'm going to upload one of them. It's my favorite photo of all... I screenshot it from Instagram so the quality might be a bit bad. The model is not me, she's my friend Florence. So if you are interested in purchasing the hairbands, go follow floral_desire on Insta. Nic, you should thank me for help promoting your shop.

Anyway the main point of this post is, remember the photo shoot pics that I promised? Well, I'm going to upload one of them. It's my favorite photo of all... I screenshot it from Instagram so the quality might be a bit bad. The model is not me, she's my friend Florence. So if you are interested in purchasing the hairbands, go follow floral_desire on Insta. Nic, you should thank me for help promoting your shop.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
List Obsession
Read the title, haha. Yeah well recently I've been kinda obsessed with lists. I just feel like noting every single thing worth notable. It's like you will forget what you have been thinking if you don't list it down. Remember my previous post on a list about crossovers?And the cute Pusheen pic about why one should be a cat haha.
In fact, I can almost make a list of lists I want to list. :0 Such as, things I hate, things I fear (am I being too negative?), and Why Should You Not Get Braces.
1. It hurts. A lot. Don't believe the orthodontist...
2. Your teeth will feel very very sour... :x Especially with the rubber bands.
3. It takes a lot of time to brush your teeth a day... What do you expect?
4. You can't really eat nuts. Well good thing I'm not a squirrel.
5. It can be embarrassing. When your friend says you have vege stuck on your braces.
6. It's expensive. Let's not waste money shall we.
7. Trust me you will HATE it after you wear it... :0
So far so good.
This post hereby proves that the crazy blogger is obsessed with lists temporarily. Your tolerance will be appreciated.
In fact, I can almost make a list of lists I want to list. :0 Such as, things I hate, things I fear (am I being too negative?), and Why Should You Not Get Braces.
1. It hurts. A lot. Don't believe the orthodontist...
2. Your teeth will feel very very sour... :x Especially with the rubber bands.
3. It takes a lot of time to brush your teeth a day... What do you expect?
4. You can't really eat nuts. Well good thing I'm not a squirrel.
5. It can be embarrassing. When your friend says you have vege stuck on your braces.
6. It's expensive. Let's not waste money shall we.
7. Trust me you will HATE it after you wear it... :0
So far so good.
This post hereby proves that the crazy blogger is obsessed with lists temporarily. Your tolerance will be appreciated.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Rubber bands :0
I'm not talking about normal rubber bands, the orange color thing used to tie up plastic bags, I'm talking about rubber bands as in dental usage, you know, it's used with braces...
In the appointment this morning the orthodontist tried to explain why I needed to wear them, blah blah, but I don't understand all the same. And it's not like understanding would make it less painful anyway. DUH. I reall use 'duh' a lot in my posts recently. Duh.
Anyway it's really uncomfortable and weird feeling to have a rubber band in your month. :0 Can't cope...
So this is just a very short post...
Originally I want to post a picture here about rubber bands but on second thought I better not gross you out. By the way, most of the pictures in the blog are not mine, except the Taiwan ones, so don't get tricked!
In the appointment this morning the orthodontist tried to explain why I needed to wear them, blah blah, but I don't understand all the same. And it's not like understanding would make it less painful anyway. DUH. I reall use 'duh' a lot in my posts recently. Duh.
Anyway it's really uncomfortable and weird feeling to have a rubber band in your month. :0 Can't cope...
So this is just a very short post...
Originally I want to post a picture here about rubber bands but on second thought I better not gross you out. By the way, most of the pictures in the blog are not mine, except the Taiwan ones, so don't get tricked!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Cats and Computers
I saw this picture on Facebook...

So true right?
Even non-cat lovers can't help being spammed with cute cat picture, for cat lovers like me, my Facebook page every day is at least 80% about cats haha.
Well, my conclusion is that cats are just way too cute to resist! (I think Nic and Flo feel like hitting me :0)
Pusheen cat. As in the Facebook emoji cat...
Even Nicole likes Pusheen! She once nagged me to make a Pusheen bookmark for her. XD
CUTE right?
My fav cat picture lol...
It's very cute okay?
And it's not because it's blue, Nicole...

So true right?
Even non-cat lovers can't help being spammed with cute cat picture, for cat lovers like me, my Facebook page every day is at least 80% about cats haha.
Well, my conclusion is that cats are just way too cute to resist! (I think Nic and Flo feel like hitting me :0)
Pusheen cat. As in the Facebook emoji cat...
Even Nicole likes Pusheen! She once nagged me to make a Pusheen bookmark for her. XD
CUTE right?
My fav cat picture lol...
It's very cute okay?
And it's not because it's blue, Nicole...
Sunday, November 17, 2013
A Dummy's Guide to Survival If You Accidentally Crossovered
Haha this is just some random crap I suddenly feel like blogging about, after reading random crap. (online novels that are kinda stupid but better than what I can do anyway) Actually, I'm kinda inspired to blog this stuff after the NiE project, which we kinda failed. But that's not the point. The point is that there's a stupid warden canteen walking in front of us. Remember your horrified expression, Nicole? SO EPIC. ( The background story: One day, me and Nic walk. I saw someone I hate in front so I said that out loud and Nic was totally... DUH.) Okay, the point is that this is just a random post for fun so don't think I'm crazy or what. (Talking of craziness and mad men, Roses Are Red, recommended by Nic, is really nice. By the way I just realized that I really really get distracted easily.)
So yea, the guide starts.
1. Learn horse riding. Well most crossover places don't have cars.
2. Erm, learn how to write calligraphy. With brushes. It's highly likely that they won't have pencils and pens too.
3. Learn a few songs before you crossover! Then the people there will think you are a musical genius muahahaha.
4. Don't be picky with food. And yes, I mean you, NATALIE. Who knows what if all you have to eat is VEGE? Or spicy food? ^.^
5. Learn to survive without your smartphone, Nicole. I don't have to explain do I.
6. Find some guy who likes you?? I dunno but all the novels write like this... Haha joking.
So far can't think of anything else, shoulda make it 10 at least... Just stop here ya...
So yea, the guide starts.
1. Learn horse riding. Well most crossover places don't have cars.
2. Erm, learn how to write calligraphy. With brushes. It's highly likely that they won't have pencils and pens too.
3. Learn a few songs before you crossover! Then the people there will think you are a musical genius muahahaha.
4. Don't be picky with food. And yes, I mean you, NATALIE. Who knows what if all you have to eat is VEGE? Or spicy food? ^.^
5. Learn to survive without your smartphone, Nicole. I don't have to explain do I.
6. Find some guy who likes you?? I dunno but all the novels write like this... Haha joking.
So far can't think of anything else, shoulda make it 10 at least... Just stop here ya...
I just realized that the amnesia plot in a whole lot of movies and dramas can actually be true... o.O
Just now I met someone... She had a motorbike accident, hit her head and then she got amnesia... Seriously it's the first time I actually get to know someone with amnesia because of an accident... So this proves that the movie claims are true... Not very serious I-dunno-who-am-I amnesia though, just slight-blur-blur-who-are-you-again type... But still.
Just now I met someone... She had a motorbike accident, hit her head and then she got amnesia... Seriously it's the first time I actually get to know someone with amnesia because of an accident... So this proves that the movie claims are true... Not very serious I-dunno-who-am-I amnesia though, just slight-blur-blur-who-are-you-again type... But still.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Gelatos and Hairbands
I didn't blog yesterday. It's not because I'm lazy, it's just that I went to 1st Avenue yesterday. Anyone noticed that H&M is coming to 1st Avenue? <3 <3 Anyway, I checked my fav ice-cream shop, Gelatomio to see whether it's still open... A lot of shops, especially basement ones, including Suzannah's fav Japan ramen shop. But Nicole, wipe that grin of your face, Gelatomio is still there, yay! Actually, I'm not sure haha... The stall is still there, but there's no ice-cream in the fridge. But there ARE 2 workers there and they're doing something weird, I'm not sure whether they're wrapping up a chair or unwrapping it... So ya, it doesn't make sense right? So in the end I went to Baskin Robbins, there's this really really tasty flavour called Love Potion #31, it has strawberries, raspberries and chocolate chips! Must-try if you go there, especially Flo and Nicole.
There's also a blue raspberry sorbet flavour, the thing is, it's... BRIGHT BLUE. And no, Nicole, I did NOT order that flavour okay?
And while jogging in Botanical Gardens (Argh I hate hate hate the monkeys there they always scare me! =.=) I popped in to see Nicole, Flo and Sui Ling who were photo shooting. Flo is the model, Sui Ling is the photographer, while Nicole... I dunno what's her job really... The main point is that Nic and Sui Ling made some hairbands and they wanna sell them. I have to admit the hairbands are way better than my expectations. Originally I half-expected some of the decos to fall off haha, but it actually looks quite nice! (I can see Nicole's tail up in the air...) The photos are nice, hopefully I can get some from Nicole and post it here.
![]() | |
Love Potion #31 |
Blue Raspberry Sorbet |
And while jogging in Botanical Gardens (Argh I hate hate hate the monkeys there they always scare me! =.=) I popped in to see Nicole, Flo and Sui Ling who were photo shooting. Flo is the model, Sui Ling is the photographer, while Nicole... I dunno what's her job really... The main point is that Nic and Sui Ling made some hairbands and they wanna sell them. I have to admit the hairbands are way better than my expectations. Originally I half-expected some of the decos to fall off haha, but it actually looks quite nice! (I can see Nicole's tail up in the air...) The photos are nice, hopefully I can get some from Nicole and post it here.
Emo Post
Emo post. Just ignore me.
It's very irritating when people scold you and when you try to explain they say you're just finding excuses, or you're deliberately trying to oppose them. Seriously I feel like punching someone right now. Even worse, when you simply try to point out a fact, they say that you cannot see your own flaws but only your strengths. The TRUTH is that they cannot see your strengths but only your flaws. What the hell.
And also a tip for scolding people if you really wanna the person you scold to listen: DO NOT SAVE EVERYTHING FOR ONCE. Seriously, don't simply scold people for something she did, but she did it like months ago, and yet you scold her so long after because you are in a bad mood. People like this can go to hell. =.= For example if a dog pooed on your carpet, you have to scold it in 2 secs, if not there won't be any effect. I think I saw this while doing NiE...
Actually this post is just to release my emotions, so just skip this post la...
It's very irritating when people scold you and when you try to explain they say you're just finding excuses, or you're deliberately trying to oppose them. Seriously I feel like punching someone right now. Even worse, when you simply try to point out a fact, they say that you cannot see your own flaws but only your strengths. The TRUTH is that they cannot see your strengths but only your flaws. What the hell.
And also a tip for scolding people if you really wanna the person you scold to listen: DO NOT SAVE EVERYTHING FOR ONCE. Seriously, don't simply scold people for something she did, but she did it like months ago, and yet you scold her so long after because you are in a bad mood. People like this can go to hell. =.= For example if a dog pooed on your carpet, you have to scold it in 2 secs, if not there won't be any effect. I think I saw this while doing NiE...
Actually this post is just to release my emotions, so just skip this post la...
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Can I just put Untitled??
Yep, your computer isn't down, I'm just too lazy to think of a name of this post, haha, so yea. Come on, it's not that weird is it, you know how hard it is to think of a post title every day? =.= And even if you can, it sounds kinda lame mostly. Again, sad case.
So today I woke up at 6. Not a good experience. I dunno if I can really survive morning sessions next year, coz I can't really function for the whole day, now included. Flo, if you are reading this, take note that I kept my promise and blog every day!! Flo is starting to become my spiritual support to blog...
Anyway, because brains as a rule do not function too early in the morning, you shouldn't blame us for failing the whatever water quiz competition this morning... Well apparently other peeps' brains do, for some unfathomable reason, but mine and Nat's? No way. At least we didn't get kicked out on the 1st round. Nat actually drew the lots and got A1, and as she was the 1st player of our team, she answered the 1st question of the day... Sorry that our luck ran out at the 2nd round, haiz.
Oh and hols finally started. It's bound to be pretty boring, since I'm not going anywhere... Sherwin suggested going together to a fortune teller's shop near Queensbay, actually I'm not sure is it a fortune teller's shop or not, but that's the closest word I can find. The point is, don't you think it's kinda weird for a few teenagers to pay a visit there... TOGETHER. Lol. At least it's not the weirdest hangout place, the weirdest is at Tesco, did I mention we went grocery shopping together there for the school fair? There's only one word for it, awkward~
So today I woke up at 6. Not a good experience. I dunno if I can really survive morning sessions next year, coz I can't really function for the whole day, now included. Flo, if you are reading this, take note that I kept my promise and blog every day!! Flo is starting to become my spiritual support to blog...
Anyway, because brains as a rule do not function too early in the morning, you shouldn't blame us for failing the whatever water quiz competition this morning... Well apparently other peeps' brains do, for some unfathomable reason, but mine and Nat's? No way. At least we didn't get kicked out on the 1st round. Nat actually drew the lots and got A1, and as she was the 1st player of our team, she answered the 1st question of the day... Sorry that our luck ran out at the 2nd round, haiz.
Oh and hols finally started. It's bound to be pretty boring, since I'm not going anywhere... Sherwin suggested going together to a fortune teller's shop near Queensbay, actually I'm not sure is it a fortune teller's shop or not, but that's the closest word I can find. The point is, don't you think it's kinda weird for a few teenagers to pay a visit there... TOGETHER. Lol. At least it's not the weirdest hangout place, the weirdest is at Tesco, did I mention we went grocery shopping together there for the school fair? There's only one word for it, awkward~
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Stats and Vampires
As I have said, my blog really fails. It's like, if I just take a break for one day, on that day the page views would be next to zero. Sad case. But there's sadder cases. Namely, some of my blog stats are actually fake. Not like, FAKE, I WANT TO TRICK YOU GUYS HAHA, just, fake, because they're bugs. Zzz. Yesterday I was like, checking the stats page of my blog, saw something new at the referring sites tab, it has a weird name, something like, vampirestats.com, and I clicked on it, but no window opened. Out of curiosity I did a little googling, and discovered that those are hyper-annoying websites that sent bugs to kacau (mess with) blogs. Well, at the most they just annoy you, you won't lose money or what, but it's really annoying especially when you see your stats increasing but it's just those stupid bugs. And why the heck is the bug's name vampire?? Maybe if the name is something like welovecatsmiaowmiaow.com I'll feel better. =.=
Just now I went to a nyonya restaurant for dinner, the food is quite nice, especially the Inchi Kabin, yum! But the waiter is a bit... I mean, it's our first time there so we have to study the menu right? But the guy is like, order now la, don't waste my time. And he keeps recommending expensive stuff, including a jug of tea that costs RM12. Like, seriously.
Going to sleep now, I've got to wake up at 6 tomorrow morning, no thanks to Natalie who dragged me into some sort of weird quiz thing without me even knowing what it's actually about. Zz fine, good night.
Just now I went to a nyonya restaurant for dinner, the food is quite nice, especially the Inchi Kabin, yum! But the waiter is a bit... I mean, it's our first time there so we have to study the menu right? But the guy is like, order now la, don't waste my time. And he keeps recommending expensive stuff, including a jug of tea that costs RM12. Like, seriously.
Going to sleep now, I've got to wake up at 6 tomorrow morning, no thanks to Natalie who dragged me into some sort of weird quiz thing without me even knowing what it's actually about. Zz fine, good night.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Fail :0
So today it's our turn to sell food for the school fund-raising campaign thing. And let's face it, we really fail. Seriously, earning RM230++ spells F-A-I-L loud and clear... It's like, why does everyone started hating sausages all of a sudden? And no one told me? Er, I never eat sausages anyway.
Talking about failing, I think I am an expert at it. Not the fail your exam type, more like the fail-your-life type. Okay, maybe not that serious right? Just take this bliog for example, I seriously think it's a big failure. No one bothers to read it lar, except a few friends and blogwalkers, no one even knows my blog exists~~~ DUHHHH~~~~ Florence kept trying to solve my blog failure problem, she says I should advertise more and post wayyy more often. <sigh>
Oh and that day stupid Nicole accidentally discovered a 'SECRET', actually no, it's just part of my sia-sui (embarrassing) past, some stupid stuff I did when I was still childish, very very childish. So please ignore all my past posts, please please pls pretty please please, I wanted to delete them all but it's kinda a waste, after all I did type them out, but still. So just don't read them. I also know that after reading this post, you WILL go read my past posts. ARGHHH. Fine, I fail, just ignore me. <bury my head in sand like an ostrich> Someone said one day I will look back at my current posts and say they're childish. Hmm, sounds true, if this blog still exists...
Talking about failing, I think I am an expert at it. Not the fail your exam type, more like the fail-your-life type. Okay, maybe not that serious right? Just take this bliog for example, I seriously think it's a big failure. No one bothers to read it lar, except a few friends and blogwalkers, no one even knows my blog exists~~~ DUHHHH~~~~ Florence kept trying to solve my blog failure problem, she says I should advertise more and post wayyy more often. <sigh>
Oh and that day stupid Nicole accidentally discovered a 'SECRET', actually no, it's just part of my sia-sui (embarrassing) past, some stupid stuff I did when I was still childish, very very childish. So please ignore all my past posts, please please pls pretty please please, I wanted to delete them all but it's kinda a waste, after all I did type them out, but still. So just don't read them. I also know that after reading this post, you WILL go read my past posts. ARGHHH. Fine, I fail, just ignore me. <bury my head in sand like an ostrich> Someone said one day I will look back at my current posts and say they're childish. Hmm, sounds true, if this blog still exists...
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Post-exam Syndrome
Hihi guys... Haha I haven't managed my blog for a long time, but my good friend Florence kept on nagging me, so here I am again, writing about random stuff. Exam is over, like, finally, but it's a sad life, you know, that moment during exam when you thought of 101 things to do after exam, but you end up doing nothing in the end. I'm the sad sad case. It's like, all of a sudden you just have no mood at all. Maybe it's because of the results. So bad T.T I know my friends will wanna kill me if they read this, but heyyy it's true okay?? Sometimes you feel worse because no one even care to comfort you, they'll be like, A good liao la, u tiam tiam! (Getting an A is good enough, just shut up.) I blame it all on my run-in with my standard 2-3 class teacher, the evil witch, I'm sure she brought bad luck. Joking. No offense to all Wiccan sisters. But seriously, before you accuse me of not respecting my elders, blah blah blah, you dinosaurs, I have to say that she really hates me for reason unknown. Duh, her own loss! =P Maybe she's jealous of me, so pretty and so smart! Joking! (I can hear Tiffany saying, this is the result of being too close to Florence.)
Talking about Florence, recently she's very worried about something, just wanna say, don't overthink, everything is going to turn out fine, and we all support you! Even if ... it's true, nothing serious will happen, don't let us scare you, especially Sherwin...
So what have I been doing? Basically it's same boring life, Facebook, Whatsapp chat, watch drama (The Heirs, highly highly recommended by Nicole, crazy fangirl of Lee Min Ho), read novel online (found a really funny one, ignore the illogical storyline and the weird advertisements: http://read.5ccc.net/26/26235/index.html
just to kill time), learn some english songs (If I Die Young, I luv the music), catch up on tv programs (Once Upon A Time, which is fun but gets tiring after a while because it's way too complicated), watch movies (horror ones, and end up scaring myself at night, well it's not my fault the previous owner converted the room upstairs next to the master bedroom into a piano space plus mini bar, so I have to stay downstairs alone and listen to the noise my weirdo neighbour who enjoys bathing and scrubbing the bathroom tiles some time past midnight and chopping vege early in the morning, seriously the first time she bathed after midnight I thought the bathroom was haunted). Oh and I'm also busy deciding how much we should sell food during the school carnival. So yeah, boring life.
Talking about Florence, recently she's very worried about something, just wanna say, don't overthink, everything is going to turn out fine, and we all support you! Even if ... it's true, nothing serious will happen, don't let us scare you, especially Sherwin...
So what have I been doing? Basically it's same boring life, Facebook, Whatsapp chat, watch drama (The Heirs, highly highly recommended by Nicole, crazy fangirl of Lee Min Ho), read novel online (found a really funny one, ignore the illogical storyline and the weird advertisements: http://read.5ccc.net/26/26235/index.html
just to kill time), learn some english songs (If I Die Young, I luv the music), catch up on tv programs (Once Upon A Time, which is fun but gets tiring after a while because it's way too complicated), watch movies (horror ones, and end up scaring myself at night, well it's not my fault the previous owner converted the room upstairs next to the master bedroom into a piano space plus mini bar, so I have to stay downstairs alone and listen to the noise my weirdo neighbour who enjoys bathing and scrubbing the bathroom tiles some time past midnight and chopping vege early in the morning, seriously the first time she bathed after midnight I thought the bathroom was haunted). Oh and I'm also busy deciding how much we should sell food during the school carnival. So yeah, boring life.
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