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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fail :0

So today it's our turn to sell food for the school fund-raising campaign thing. And let's face it, we really fail. Seriously, earning RM230++ spells F-A-I-L loud and clear... It's like, why does everyone started hating sausages all of a sudden? And no one told me? Er, I never eat sausages anyway.

Talking about failing, I think I am an expert at it. Not the fail your exam type, more like the fail-your-life type. Okay, maybe not that serious right? Just take this bliog for example, I seriously think it's a big failure. No one bothers to read it lar, except a few friends and blogwalkers, no one even knows my blog exists~~~ DUHHHH~~~~ Florence kept trying to solve my blog failure problem, she says I should advertise more and post wayyy more often. <sigh>

Oh and that day stupid Nicole accidentally discovered a 'SECRET', actually no, it's just part of my sia-sui (embarrassing) past, some stupid stuff I did when I was still childish, very very childish. So please ignore all my past posts, please please pls pretty please please, I wanted to delete them all but it's kinda a waste, after all I did type them out, but still. So just don't read them. I also know that after reading this post, you WILL go read my past posts. ARGHHH. Fine, I fail, just ignore me. <bury my head in sand like an ostrich> Someone said one day I will look back at my current posts and say they're childish. Hmm, sounds true, if this blog still exists...

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