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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Random stuff and photos

This post is pretty random, haha.
 I don't think I can blog every day after today, coz I'm helping Natalie edit her novel... I wonder if anyone here is interested to read? It's kinda weird but I guarantee it will be better than those in my blog x years ago... It's in Chinese though. Maybe I can post some just for a quick read?

Anyway the main point of this post is, remember the photo shoot pics that I promised? Well, I'm going to upload one of them. It's my favorite photo of all... I screenshot it from Instagram so the quality might be a bit bad. The model is not me, she's my friend Florence. So if you are interested in purchasing the hairbands, go follow floral_desire on Insta. Nic, you should thank me for help promoting your shop.

Talking of Nic, I was tidying my pencil case when I notice... My eraser. Dear Nicole has somehow managed to 'deface' it. In case the picture is too blur, I'll tell you what she drew. BC (my initials) and a cat. No one can recognize the cat shape right? ZZZ

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