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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Can I just put Untitled??

Yep, your computer isn't down, I'm just too lazy to think of a name of this post, haha, so yea. Come on, it's not that weird is it, you know how hard it is to think of a post title every day? =.= And even if you can, it sounds kinda lame mostly. Again, sad case.

So today I woke up at 6. Not a good experience. I dunno if I can really survive morning sessions next year, coz I can't really function for the whole day, now included. Flo, if you are reading this, take note that I kept my promise and blog every day!! Flo is starting to become my spiritual support to blog...

Anyway, because brains as a rule do not function too early in the morning, you shouldn't blame us for failing the whatever water quiz competition this morning... Well apparently other peeps' brains do, for some unfathomable reason, but mine and Nat's? No way. At least we didn't get kicked out on the 1st round. Nat actually drew the lots and got A1, and as she was the 1st player of our team, she answered the 1st question of the day... Sorry that our luck ran out at the 2nd round, haiz.

Oh and hols finally started. It's bound to be pretty boring, since I'm not going anywhere... Sherwin suggested going together to a fortune teller's shop near Queensbay, actually I'm not sure is it a fortune teller's shop or not, but that's the closest word I can find. The point is, don't you think it's kinda weird for a few teenagers to pay a visit there... TOGETHER. Lol. At least it's not the weirdest hangout place, the weirdest is at Tesco, did I mention we went grocery shopping together there for the school fair? There's only one word for it, awkward~

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