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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Game requests

Originally I want to post about something else. Then I opened my Facebook. Then I look at my game request page. WHOA. It's like two days and 56 requests. Okay, I've seen worse... When I first have Facebook I always left the requests there without touching them and one day Nat helped me open to... dunno, feed my cat? And she was like, GO CLEAR UP your requests!!! So yea I decided to change the post topic. Lol, I'm really a random person.

Things you should know about game requests.
1. If people didn't respond that means they don't wanna play. So quit sending annoying game requests.
2. Seriously we are not blind. You send once, and already people can see it. You don't have to send it REPEATEDLY. Duh.
3. Do you know how annoying it is when you (finally) get a notification and it's, "XXX send you in a request in XXX" ?
4. If the app shows that I played the game but it's like, level 1, that means I tried and quit. So don't bother to send my any request coz I'll just ignore them.
5. Facebook has these really annoying apps like, Best Friends, Who has a Secret Crush on You etc. I dunno if anyone really use them. Well I don't. And for some reason they keep popping up.
6. I do not play Farmville, Candy Crush, Dragon City and Criminal Case anymore. And a lot more. This person has a tendency to get bored of a game very fast.

 p.s. I just discovered that list obsession spreads fast. It's a (hopefully not fatal) disease. You can visit Florence at Littledreamie and see. She's infected.

p.s.s. I keep having typos today! What is wrong with me?

p.s.s.s. My monthly blog views have broken previous records! YAY!! Although I might have to thank vampirestats for it. Kinda. Seriously can't they change to a nicer name?

p.s.s.s.s. All of a sudden I feel like drinking Starbucks. Unfortunately it's late and I'm home alone. Sad case of a coffee addict.

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