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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


So today I went to Gurney with my friends, Flo and Nat. Originally 7 peeps were invited but only 3 turned up. Sad case.
Sherwin: I've got piano practice! I'm supposed to perform at a wedding!
Becca: My gramps visit me. :0
Ee: ... <I dunno why the hell she doesn't want to come =.=>
Nic: No transport, busy mum, pajamas. T.T

So yea. The outing was supposed to be Redbox plus dessert at Macaron Cafe, but in the end it became...
=> Lunch at Chicago Rib House.  No lunch was planned but since Flo was hungry... The food was nice but wayyy too expensive. A burger, 3 drinks and 1 sundae cost us almost RM100. Like, what the hell.
=> SHOPPING. At Fourskin. Flo bought a pair of sunglasses. Not exactly sunglasses. The type of cool glasses which the person wearing it can see through but to other people the glasses are mirrors. Cool man. And cute too!
=> Redbox finally. Student holiday package, RM18+ for each person. The drinks and snacks definitely improved. A LOT. And it's more fun with less people actually. Obviously you can avoid mike-snatching (as Nic calls it) and you won't feel so afraid to sing in front of too many peeps. Yay.

We were too busy eating and singing so yea. No photos. XD

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