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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Saturday, November 23, 2013

To Florence XD

Haha yea it's a post for you Flo. I'm not going to talk about you, I'm just fulfilling your request! Guys, remember I mentioned Natalie and I were working on a novel previously? Flo asked to read it, so I'll post some of it here. The main reason I'm doing this is because I have a piano lesson at 4.30 so I am really short of time to post a proper post so I'll just upload the novel from my computer haha to save time!

I think the story is actually a bit lame. So I'll just post a short sector to avoid boring you guys out. Please leave comments to tell me what you think of it! Don't expect too much.

王座上的人儿幽幽地叹了一口气。是,他是这世界的王,可他也是个父亲,却又是个弟弟;王这身份要求他不偏袒任何一位王位候选者,可天下哪位父母不会偏爱自己的孩子、哪对兄弟之间没有情感?他又何尝不知道多年来漠和吟之间的暗潮汹涌,可…… 上一代的恩怨,无论如何还是波及到了他们的孩子吗?他长久以来的介入,究竟是否有他要的结果,抑或仅是令事态更糟?也许,过往的事物的阴影,注定永远如鬼魅般笼罩,挥之不去!他,也无能为力了。

p.s. Some parts of the story are set in the modern world, so not all are so lame! Apparently this part is NOT modern. :0

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