So, today is the last day of 2013! 2 or more hours to counting down here in my hometown Penang. So I'm dedicating this post to the concluding of 2013 stuff, happy or sad.
1. Events.
a. Happiest: Sadly I can't think of anything. I mean, it's not like I have a dull year, it's just now there's nothing specially happy...
b. Saddest: Fortunately I can't think of anything too. LOL this is stupid.
c. Funnest: Um, singing ktv with friends after Suz's farewell? I guess so.
d. Angriest: Grr, the stupid warden canteen event. (She deducted my marks for eating junk food without putting it in a container.)
e. Most Embarrassing: Er, the virtual kitten whose name is Kelly incident? There's too many! Ask Nicole for a detailed list.
f. Most Annoying: Our Science teacher seriously gets on my nerves. She keeps scolding us and says it's for our own good. Duh.
g. Most Irritating: The fact that my relatives keep 'using' us. I hate them.
h. Most Surprised: Suz's sudden transfer to Hong Kong.
2. People!
a. Best Friend(s): All lego block people plus Nat. (Something outta topic: Nic saw someone's profile pic reading, step on a lego. We both dislike the person. Nic wonders if the lego means us. Are we over-sensitive??)
b. Most Mentioned in Blog: Definitely Flo. Next would be Nic. Or Nat.
c. Most Disliked: Stupid warden canteen. No need to say more.
d. Most Hated: Still remaining the same --- one of my stupid relatives. On my father's side. My mum insists that I write that. I'm sure Flo, Nic and Nat all knows.
e. Most Curious About: Kelly Lim?
3. Favourites
a. Colour: Still the same. BLUE~~~
b. Animal: Cat. LOL.
c. Game: Er, Suburbia? But the game stopped on ep 5. =.=
d. Song(s): 三寸天堂 (the one currently playing on my blog), 步步 (the song for 步步惊情), 手掌心, 伤心的人别听慢歌, Rolling In The Deep, Just Give Me A Reason, Somewhere Only We Know, If I Die Young, Demons
e. Movie: Hobbit, Catching Fire
f. TV show: Once Upon A Time, Sleepy Hollow, The Heirs, The Princess's Man (I like it but it's wayyy too sad!!)
g. Novel: I read mostly online novels because I'm lazy to borrow books. 红颜祸害 is nice. Don't give me that look. Owh and I just finished 潇然梦, quite nice but it's kinda unfair. Nat dislikes the ending. It's supposed to be happy ending, but I guess it depends on which guy you support... =.=
So that about sums it all up. Until next year! Don't stop visiting me~
Search Velvet's Blog
Miaow, My Virtual Kitten
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Fellow piano learners would know that there's this sight-singing test (I almost typed sight-seeing. Imagine the examiner showing you a picture of the Eiffel Tower and asking you where this is.) in the aural part where you have to look at a manuscript and sing.
Seriously I totally fail. For grade 5 it's free-timed, so I managed to survive, but grade 7 is different, you have to keep up with the time and ignore the other tune played by the examiner. Mostly I just freak out.
Can someone help me or what I'm gonna die... ._.
Seriously I totally fail. For grade 5 it's free-timed, so I managed to survive, but grade 7 is different, you have to keep up with the time and ignore the other tune played by the examiner. Mostly I just freak out.
Can someone help me or what I'm gonna die... ._.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Kings and Princes
Just goes to show how fake fairy takes are lol.
Fairy tales always tell us this. The first part not the second part. #grumpycat
Yeah well apparently that's what the princes and princesses always do.
But have you ever noticed, there is no fairy tale about kings? I mean as the main character.
I know, I know, I know you would say kings are too old. But women nowadays like mature men. ;)
Okay, we're getting off topic. Back. The fact that fairy tales LIE.
Remember the fact that they say princes and princesses live happily ever after?
Well, kindly note the fact that after the previous king die, his son the prince becomes king.
In many fairy tales, the prince or the princess has no mum.
A prince's or princess's mum is a queen.
The queen is the princess that married the prince who became king.
The princess died. She did not 'live happily ever after'.
The king who was a prince is broken-hearted. (Well maybe he isn't. Guys are so not loyal creatures.)He did not 'live happily ever after'.
LIAR~ #grumpycat
Fairy tales always tell us this. The first part not the second part. #grumpycat
Yeah well apparently that's what the princes and princesses always do.
But have you ever noticed, there is no fairy tale about kings? I mean as the main character.
I know, I know, I know you would say kings are too old. But women nowadays like mature men. ;)
Okay, we're getting off topic. Back. The fact that fairy tales LIE.
Remember the fact that they say princes and princesses live happily ever after?
Well, kindly note the fact that after the previous king die, his son the prince becomes king.
In many fairy tales, the prince or the princess has no mum.
A prince's or princess's mum is a queen.
The queen is the princess that married the prince who became king.
The princess died. She did not 'live happily ever after'.
The king who was a prince is broken-hearted. (Well maybe he isn't. Guys are so not loyal creatures.)He did not 'live happily ever after'.
LIAR~ #grumpycat
Friday, December 27, 2013
Horror story
Yeah I'm still stuck at the horror story with Nat. ARGH~~~ Forgive me for not blogging yesterday.
The thing is, when you're alone in your room, it's night and you're editing a horror story ------ even though you know sure as hell it's fake and you and your friend created it duh ------ you still get scared sometimes. For example when your mum upstairs suddenly calls out your name to go up to drink your yogurt of something like that. Even worse, when your mum creeps downstairs and knock at your door. Then you'll be frightened to death and your mum will wonder out loud what are you doing that makes you so scared?
The main plot of the story is, someone finds a ball-joint doll, and starts having bad dreams. Moral value: Think twice before picking up ball-joint dolls that you don't know where it came from.
The thing is, when you're alone in your room, it's night and you're editing a horror story ------ even though you know sure as hell it's fake and you and your friend created it duh ------ you still get scared sometimes. For example when your mum upstairs suddenly calls out your name to go up to drink your yogurt of something like that. Even worse, when your mum creeps downstairs and knock at your door. Then you'll be frightened to death and your mum will wonder out loud what are you doing that makes you so scared?
The main plot of the story is, someone finds a ball-joint doll, and starts having bad dreams. Moral value: Think twice before picking up ball-joint dolls that you don't know where it came from.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Remember to Hate Me
Okay, firstly don't get too freaked out by the title... I'm simply blogging about something I saw on tv kay, so don't really hate me... .__.
Yea so, in the drama, the guy tries to leave the girl for her own girl, blah blah blah, boring old drama plot, whatever~~~ And he says, remember to hate him.
Again, I'm telling you don't feel touched when your boyfriend tells you this. Muahahaha. A lot of people would interpret this as, he wants me to hate him so that I will continue to try to live better than him!! How touching. Duh. How stupid. The guy simply can't stand the possibility of you forgetting him, that's why he said that! People who said so refuse to be forgotten if after splitting up, like in the song Someone Like You, it says: Don't forget me, I beg. If the person really cares for you, he should say, forget him and get on with your life. Well or maybe that's just me.
Yea so, in the drama, the guy tries to leave the girl for her own girl, blah blah blah, boring old drama plot, whatever~~~ And he says, remember to hate him.
Again, I'm telling you don't feel touched when your boyfriend tells you this. Muahahaha. A lot of people would interpret this as, he wants me to hate him so that I will continue to try to live better than him!! How touching. Duh. How stupid. The guy simply can't stand the possibility of you forgetting him, that's why he said that! People who said so refuse to be forgotten if after splitting up, like in the song Someone Like You, it says: Don't forget me, I beg. If the person really cares for you, he should say, forget him and get on with your life. Well or maybe that's just me.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas (Eve)
Yeah so, Merry Christmas! Buon Natale!
Have anyone ever wondered, why do we always say merry christmas instead of happy christmas? Well I do, but so far I've found no answers.
So, I wonder what are you readers doing now? On Christmas eve? Well unfortunately no one invited me to go partying or what so yea, I'm feeling kinda bored.
Nothing much to post about, but before you leave I have two cute Christmas-themed cat pictures for you. Someone once said that if the USA guys are stealing our personal info from Fb, then the national security database will definitely be full of cat pictures. Hmm. I can imagine that.
Have anyone ever wondered, why do we always say merry christmas instead of happy christmas? Well I do, but so far I've found no answers.
So, I wonder what are you readers doing now? On Christmas eve? Well unfortunately no one invited me to go partying or what so yea, I'm feeling kinda bored.
Nothing much to post about, but before you leave I have two cute Christmas-themed cat pictures for you. Someone once said that if the USA guys are stealing our personal info from Fb, then the national security database will definitely be full of cat pictures. Hmm. I can imagine that.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Quote #7
After the winter holidays have passed, would the summer holidays be very far away?
One have to admire how optimistic the quoted person is. Personally, I feel that it's still very far away... T.T
After the winter holidays have passed, would the summer holidays be very far away?
One have to admire how optimistic the quoted person is. Personally, I feel that it's still very far away... T.T
Sunday, December 22, 2013
To Our Holidays that Will Soon Past
Actually the title is inspired by a Chinese movie called 《致我们终将逝去的青春》, which means, to our youth that will soon past.
So yea Christmas is fast approaching. I like Christmas, but Christmas always means that year end holidays are coming to an end. Too bad. Looking back at my blog I discovered that every year I have at least one post dedicated to the ending of hols. Owh-kay.
You are right this post is practically meaningless. Fine.
p.s. By the way I'm playing this game OviPets on Facebook. It's kinda weird and I don't really understand. I simply played because they have blue cats. Anyone playing, can you teach me or what? #confused
So yea Christmas is fast approaching. I like Christmas, but Christmas always means that year end holidays are coming to an end. Too bad. Looking back at my blog I discovered that every year I have at least one post dedicated to the ending of hols. Owh-kay.
You are right this post is practically meaningless. Fine.
p.s. By the way I'm playing this game OviPets on Facebook. It's kinda weird and I don't really understand. I simply played because they have blue cats. Anyone playing, can you teach me or what? #confused
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Natalie's Shoes
This post is about what happened yesterday at the gathering lol. Okay cancel the 'lol'. Pat seems to dislike this word so yea. Oh and in Nicole's words, it's 'the gathering you have been planning for years'. Sad but true. Just shows how fail we are.
Anyway. The main point of this post is, Nat's shoes. Which heels fell off after the gathering starts for half an hour. As a result, me and Jen and Pat went with her to buy a pair of new shoes after placing our orders. The problem is, she dunno what pattern of shoes should she buy. So, we spend like, half an hour searching, all the time Nat limping... In the end she gave up and followed Jen's suggestion: flip flops with heels. So yeah this became her very first time of wearing heels. Which means she looks taller than me. Duh.
And guess what, when we finally walked back to Miam Miam, our food wasn't ready yet. And Nat keeps complaining that her feet hurts.
p.s. After walking Hobbit 2, we reached a conclusion: Elves are cool.
Anyway. The main point of this post is, Nat's shoes. Which heels fell off after the gathering starts for half an hour. As a result, me and Jen and Pat went with her to buy a pair of new shoes after placing our orders. The problem is, she dunno what pattern of shoes should she buy. So, we spend like, half an hour searching, all the time Nat limping... In the end she gave up and followed Jen's suggestion: flip flops with heels. So yeah this became her very first time of wearing heels. Which means she looks taller than me. Duh.
And guess what, when we finally walked back to Miam Miam, our food wasn't ready yet. And Nat keeps complaining that her feet hurts.
p.s. After walking Hobbit 2, we reached a conclusion: Elves are cool.
Friday, December 20, 2013
So today we have the first gathering after we graduated from primary. Technically it's not the very first, coz we had a mini one before last year when we collected the prize money for getting straight As, but still.
Nat organized the gathering today. I suppose it's a bit of a failure since only 9 people turned up, but it's better than none. And we had a lot of fun!
It also proves that plans never keep up with changes. For one, originally we planned to go somewhere cheap for lunch, but in the end... We went to Miam Miam. In Gurney Paragon. And spend like, RM200+. The French toast is really nice!! Nicole would say, I told ya! As was the Matcha Latte Souffle. I'm sure Nic would love that too! But basically everything there is very delicious. The only bad thing is, it's really slow. Like, really. Oh and it's a bit too expensive.
Then we went to the cinema. There's only the first 2 rows left for Frozen, so we watched Hobbit 2 instead. Jen seemed to enjoy herself very much tho she watched it before, coz she kept trying to spoil it for us... =.= There was only 8 seats per row so poor Ee Hean had to sit in the second row. And when the enormous spiders appeared Patricia was like, totally freaking out. Later I asked her whether she thought the spiders was scarier, or the dragon Smaug. She answered the spiders. =.=!
Before we go home we sat in Starbucks. Actually I took some pictures but I'm too lazy to post! If you have to see them, follow me @bingchieh via Insta. Yea I know my name lacks creativity.
Nat organized the gathering today. I suppose it's a bit of a failure since only 9 people turned up, but it's better than none. And we had a lot of fun!
It also proves that plans never keep up with changes. For one, originally we planned to go somewhere cheap for lunch, but in the end... We went to Miam Miam. In Gurney Paragon. And spend like, RM200+. The French toast is really nice!! Nicole would say, I told ya! As was the Matcha Latte Souffle. I'm sure Nic would love that too! But basically everything there is very delicious. The only bad thing is, it's really slow. Like, really. Oh and it's a bit too expensive.
Then we went to the cinema. There's only the first 2 rows left for Frozen, so we watched Hobbit 2 instead. Jen seemed to enjoy herself very much tho she watched it before, coz she kept trying to spoil it for us... =.= There was only 8 seats per row so poor Ee Hean had to sit in the second row. And when the enormous spiders appeared Patricia was like, totally freaking out. Later I asked her whether she thought the spiders was scarier, or the dragon Smaug. She answered the spiders. =.=!
Before we go home we sat in Starbucks. Actually I took some pictures but I'm too lazy to post! If you have to see them, follow me @bingchieh via Insta. Yea I know my name lacks creativity.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Quote #6
From another online novel... Kindness can also be another name for cowardice, righteousness can also be a sharp sword that can slice through your heart.
Agree. I've never believed in righteousness anyway. What the hell is righteousness? My personal definition would be, something that pleases most people. So, these people give it a name, say that what they did is righteous, they're kind and good etc, when they're actually just looking for an excuse to torture someone. In the novel, the girl's good friend tried to persuade her in order to save the whole country, and the girl was like, how stupid am I to treat this person as my friend. True. Why must a minority of people sacrifice their happiness just for the sake of the majority?
p.s. In modern love stories, kings are usually bad. It's an unwritten rule, don't ask me why, I didn't write that rule, I just observed.
From another online novel... Kindness can also be another name for cowardice, righteousness can also be a sharp sword that can slice through your heart.
Agree. I've never believed in righteousness anyway. What the hell is righteousness? My personal definition would be, something that pleases most people. So, these people give it a name, say that what they did is righteous, they're kind and good etc, when they're actually just looking for an excuse to torture someone. In the novel, the girl's good friend tried to persuade her in order to save the whole country, and the girl was like, how stupid am I to treat this person as my friend. True. Why must a minority of people sacrifice their happiness just for the sake of the majority?
p.s. In modern love stories, kings are usually bad. It's an unwritten rule, don't ask me why, I didn't write that rule, I just observed.
Quote #5
真爱就像鬼,终有一天会遇到!------ 《WTO姐妹会》
True love is like ghosts, you'll run into it one day.
Heard this on tv today. My reaction was like omg this is so epic. Never seen anyone comparing love with ghosts before. =.='''
p.s. Please forgive my laziness! I know all the posts these few days are all very short... I dunno what to say really...
True love is like ghosts, you'll run into it one day.
Heard this on tv today. My reaction was like omg this is so epic. Never seen anyone comparing love with ghosts before. =.='''
p.s. Please forgive my laziness! I know all the posts these few days are all very short... I dunno what to say really...
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Quote #4
不要对我说只要我不放手,你就不会离开我,那只是代表你连放手的勇气都没有。------some random online novel. I forgot. .__.
Meaning, Don't tell me that as long as I don't let go, you will not leave me, coz it just shows that you don't even have the courage to let go. Hmm. When I first saw this I'm like, wow, cool idea, you do have a point! The guy is just finding an excuse for himself. But I suppose it depends on different people, for example when 若叶, the main character in 《红颜祸害》 (literally meaning Bad Pretty Girl) (Don't roll your eyes at the book title, the book itself is really funny...Funny as in LOL, not as in weird.) anyway, when she heard this she was like so touched. I think most people will be touched. But still. So next time your boyfriend says this to you, think twice.
Meaning, Don't tell me that as long as I don't let go, you will not leave me, coz it just shows that you don't even have the courage to let go. Hmm. When I first saw this I'm like, wow, cool idea, you do have a point! The guy is just finding an excuse for himself. But I suppose it depends on different people, for example when 若叶, the main character in 《红颜祸害》 (literally meaning Bad Pretty Girl) (Don't roll your eyes at the book title, the book itself is really funny...Funny as in LOL, not as in weird.) anyway, when she heard this she was like so touched. I think most people will be touched. But still. So next time your boyfriend says this to you, think twice.
Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday! Don't blame me coz of my laziness, it's just that I don't have time... I'm still stuck writing the story with Nat. It's like, I have the idea in my head but I just dunno how to express it, how to write it out... I guess that's what you call 'STUCK'.
Oh and this afternoon I went to the Hilltop Temple near Botanical Gardens. Just for fun. There's really a lot of staircases. ._. No pictures because... I brought my camera...... but...... I forgot to charge the battery. Oh well.
Oh and this afternoon I went to the Hilltop Temple near Botanical Gardens. Just for fun. There's really a lot of staircases. ._. No pictures because... I brought my camera...... but...... I forgot to charge the battery. Oh well.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Quote #3
Thousands of years ago, cats were worshiped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this. ------Anonymous
<see the picture...>
Miaow~ Can't agree more. The following content is basically spam cute cat pictures. Ignore me if you must.
<see the picture...>
Miaow~ Can't agree more. The following content is basically spam cute cat pictures. Ignore me if you must.
Quote #2
Money should serve, not rule. ------ Pope Francis (Current Pope)
Hmm. Sounds true. But the fact is, if you have money, you can rule. That's all I have to say.
Hmm. Sounds true. But the fact is, if you have money, you can rule. That's all I have to say.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Crazy TV
Just now my tv went crazy. The tv guide suddenly couldn't load. This problem occurred before, and so my mum phoned the tv company to solve it, but she has forgotten how to do it again. So after much exploring, I decided to try restoring factory settings. Which turned out to be to right thing to do. But, in the process of restoring the settings, I hit a dead end. It didn't allow me to press anything anymore. Turned out that this actually means the restoring process is over and I should restart the whole thing, but I only learned that later. After I tried. Duh. The stupid tv company can't even bother to show a "Please restart." message on the screen! How on earth am I supposed to know? I actually thought I spoiled the tv. And scared the sh*t out of myself.
Moral value: Don't mess with your family tv.
Moral value: Don't mess with your family tv.
Traditional or Modern
Recently I'm reading an essay book from China... It's really very chim (high standard) and if we have to answer questions like that in exam we sure die die die... .___.
And after reading some of the essays I think that some of the points are very stupid. I mean, conservative. No offense. Granted, the style of writing is amazing and like, very super hyper good, but some points...
Like, many essays claims that modern things, especially fashionable ones, have no real value, and that these things are making our culture lose its 'spirit', and that people nowadays no longer know how to appreciate traditional, classical things, but only those things have value, blah blah and blah. Seriously, do they really believe that traditional things are definitely better? Well, all things classical have to be fashionable once, it's just that they managed to remain fashionable after a long time, and so they're called classical. If you don't give modern things a chance then how can they become classic? Plus, I don't think those so called classical chinese novels can provide more comfort than modern novels. We are modern people, we need modern things.
One essay was even worse. The author claims that we should not forbade the traditional chinese "3 examples and 5 principles". I dunno what the 5 principles are, but I do know what the 3 examples are, and trust me they do not make sense. 1. The king is the example of his subjects. Duh, I've never supported loyalty to kings. People who do that are stupid. 2. The father is the example of the son. Okay, acceptable, but what if the father is a drunkard etc? 3. The husband is the example of the wife. As a female of the 21st century, this is the one I hate most. What the hell. This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard.
So yea. On the whole it proofs that there are people who are way more crazy than me. I think that's a good thing.
And after reading some of the essays I think that some of the points are very stupid. I mean, conservative. No offense. Granted, the style of writing is amazing and like, very super hyper good, but some points...
Like, many essays claims that modern things, especially fashionable ones, have no real value, and that these things are making our culture lose its 'spirit', and that people nowadays no longer know how to appreciate traditional, classical things, but only those things have value, blah blah and blah. Seriously, do they really believe that traditional things are definitely better? Well, all things classical have to be fashionable once, it's just that they managed to remain fashionable after a long time, and so they're called classical. If you don't give modern things a chance then how can they become classic? Plus, I don't think those so called classical chinese novels can provide more comfort than modern novels. We are modern people, we need modern things.
One essay was even worse. The author claims that we should not forbade the traditional chinese "3 examples and 5 principles". I dunno what the 5 principles are, but I do know what the 3 examples are, and trust me they do not make sense. 1. The king is the example of his subjects. Duh, I've never supported loyalty to kings. People who do that are stupid. 2. The father is the example of the son. Okay, acceptable, but what if the father is a drunkard etc? 3. The husband is the example of the wife. As a female of the 21st century, this is the one I hate most. What the hell. This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard.
So yea. On the whole it proofs that there are people who are way more crazy than me. I think that's a good thing.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Very Short Post
This is a very very unimportant and short post. You can just skip it. Trust me I won't blame you.
The reason I'm writing this: I dunno. Coz I'm too lazy to write a proper post but I feel like writing something all the same. Blame Nat. We are working on a short story that requires a lot of hard work from me since she totally misunderstood. Sigh~
So I just realze Christmas is near! Which means hols are ending. Sad case. Next year I'll be in the morning session. Have to wake early. Very sad case.
Yesterday I had a bad dream. About fish. I dreamed that I had to take photos for PBS Moral. So I go stand in front of an aquarium. Don't ask me what has Moral to do with fish, dreams have no sense. Oh and then a fish leaped out and hit me and I scream. End.
The reason I'm writing this: I dunno. Coz I'm too lazy to write a proper post but I feel like writing something all the same. Blame Nat. We are working on a short story that requires a lot of hard work from me since she totally misunderstood. Sigh~
So I just realze Christmas is near! Which means hols are ending. Sad case. Next year I'll be in the morning session. Have to wake early. Very sad case.
Yesterday I had a bad dream. About fish. I dreamed that I had to take photos for PBS Moral. So I go stand in front of an aquarium. Don't ask me what has Moral to do with fish, dreams have no sense. Oh and then a fish leaped out and hit me and I scream. End.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Humble Beginnings
Yes this post is about the very very tasty cake shop! I wonder why is it called Humble Beginnings. If it's up to be I'll name it Tasty Beginnings. Haha.
I went to Straits Quay to have dinner just now, at Blue Reef. Nicole is right, they really have the best fish n chips. And of cuz we stopped at Humble Beginnings to buy cakes.
Mango cheese! Quite mango-ish.
O-r-e-o~ Nic's favourite. I don't have a favourite because I like every flavour... XD
Raspberry yogurt cheese. A bit sour. Very nice!!
I went to Straits Quay to have dinner just now, at Blue Reef. Nicole is right, they really have the best fish n chips. And of cuz we stopped at Humble Beginnings to buy cakes.
Mango cheese! Quite mango-ish.
O-r-e-o~ Nic's favourite. I don't have a favourite because I like every flavour... XD
Raspberry yogurt cheese. A bit sour. Very nice!!
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Fairy Tale
Just realize I rarely read fairy tales. To most, fairy tales seem to be part of childhood memories. To me, not really. My bedside stories used to be random animal stories that my mum made up. In fact, I don't think I have read fairy tales before until I was at least 6, and only the famous ones like Cinderella and Snow White. Actually, I learned many new fairy tales from the show Once Upon A Time. Cool show, but it's a bit boring sometimes, especially in the middle of a season. Oh and in primary I was also introduced to many fairy tales because of a friend, Jen, who is the most fairy-tale-ish person that I know. Searching thru my bookshelves, I can only find one book of fairy tales that someone gave me. I forgot who... ._.
Maybe it's because of my late introduction to fairy tales, I never have the, um feel (? for lack of a better word) that most girls have to fairy tales. Obviously when you grow up you realize that fairy tales are fake, but it's an entirely different story for me, who have never believed in them anyway. Even as a little I've never dreamed of being, say, a princess. Or, a fairy, for the more adventurous ones. Is this abnormal? I dunno.
Looking back at fairy tales, as a teenager, I don't think they're good. What I mean is, it's too white-washed. In Henry's (the little boy in Once Upon A Time, which me and Nic dislike for no reason) words, good always triumphs over evil. But the real world isn't like that. The problem with the world is sometimes you don't even know who's good and who's evil. I take it that people think that children should be kept naive for their own good. But is it really fair to them? One has to face reality sooner or later, so why does it matter when? Children are not idiots.
And as for the fact that the prince and the princess always live happily ever after. Oh gosh that's the hugest lie in the world. Let's not mention the Chinese saying 相爱容易相处难, which means it's easy to fall in love but difficult to live together, coz in the latter case you would have to face each other's faults. And not to mention the fact that the princess, the female, is always the one is distress. How sexist is that? Okay, maybe you have the frog prince, but still. And even if a prince saved your life, you don't necessarily have to marry him. Come on, you don't even know him. Obviously he has enough riches to keep your whole life comfortable enough. Now who's being realistic? Jeez.
To support my points further, see the pictures below.
Little red riding hood. Fantasy art. Dark story about cutting open a wolf's stomach. Yuck.

Now the pic on the right. CUTEEE! Cartoon art. White-washed. Even the wolf looks cute.
p.s. Are my thoughts getting a bit on the dark and emo side these few posts?
p.s.s. My mum is joining this blog as "A Kid At Heart". Well it's her username. Yes Flo you should be glorified that we took the idea from your comment.
Maybe it's because of my late introduction to fairy tales, I never have the, um feel (? for lack of a better word) that most girls have to fairy tales. Obviously when you grow up you realize that fairy tales are fake, but it's an entirely different story for me, who have never believed in them anyway. Even as a little I've never dreamed of being, say, a princess. Or, a fairy, for the more adventurous ones. Is this abnormal? I dunno.
Looking back at fairy tales, as a teenager, I don't think they're good. What I mean is, it's too white-washed. In Henry's (the little boy in Once Upon A Time, which me and Nic dislike for no reason) words, good always triumphs over evil. But the real world isn't like that. The problem with the world is sometimes you don't even know who's good and who's evil. I take it that people think that children should be kept naive for their own good. But is it really fair to them? One has to face reality sooner or later, so why does it matter when? Children are not idiots.
And as for the fact that the prince and the princess always live happily ever after. Oh gosh that's the hugest lie in the world. Let's not mention the Chinese saying 相爱容易相处难, which means it's easy to fall in love but difficult to live together, coz in the latter case you would have to face each other's faults. And not to mention the fact that the princess, the female, is always the one is distress. How sexist is that? Okay, maybe you have the frog prince, but still. And even if a prince saved your life, you don't necessarily have to marry him. Come on, you don't even know him. Obviously he has enough riches to keep your whole life comfortable enough. Now who's being realistic? Jeez.
To support my points further, see the pictures below.
Little red riding hood. Fantasy art. Dark story about cutting open a wolf's stomach. Yuck.

Now the pic on the right. CUTEEE! Cartoon art. White-washed. Even the wolf looks cute.
p.s. Are my thoughts getting a bit on the dark and emo side these few posts?
p.s.s. My mum is joining this blog as "A Kid At Heart". Well it's her username. Yes Flo you should be glorified that we took the idea from your comment.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Quote #1
This from a song called 'Bad Guy'. To listen, click here! It means that the person who keeps on tolerating is actually not stupid, he or she just rather be cruel to him or herself rather than to be cruel to other people.
I don't agree. At all. People who rather be cruel to themselves than to hurt others are stupid. Call me selfish if you want, but let's face the truth. Before you learn how to not hurt other people, learn to protect yourself first. If you can't even keep yourself from getting hurt, you have no right to say you are trying to protect others. Don't be stupid.
p.s. But the song is nice.
This from a song called 'Bad Guy'. To listen, click here! It means that the person who keeps on tolerating is actually not stupid, he or she just rather be cruel to him or herself rather than to be cruel to other people.
I don't agree. At all. People who rather be cruel to themselves than to hurt others are stupid. Call me selfish if you want, but let's face the truth. Before you learn how to not hurt other people, learn to protect yourself first. If you can't even keep yourself from getting hurt, you have no right to say you are trying to protect others. Don't be stupid.
p.s. But the song is nice.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Okay, this might sound freaky. I'm just wondering, are my dreams abnormal? Well obviously there's no 'normal' for dreams, but still. Don't most people always have dreams so 'real' that they end up rolling off the bed and onto the ground? Well, I don't. For the most part I always seem like I'm watching from a 3rd person's view in my dreams. I rarely feel scared or nervous. At the most I just feel confused. Sometimes it's almost as if I know I'm in a dream, like I know all this stuff is not real. I
sn't that kinda creepy?

Sunday, December 8, 2013
Dinner, Parking Meters, Hair Dye and Skin Tone
2nd post of the day! Actually I've nothing much to post, it's just that I wanna compensate for slacking off yesterday~ I'm back from dinner at an Indonesian restaurant named Nuri. The logo is a bird (chicken? turkey?) with a sailor hat. At Pulau Tikus. (Mouse Island. Not that there's a lot of mice... )
Anyway beside the parking lot there's a parking meter. Nearby is another parking meter. Someone scrawled the word 'ROSAK', meaning broken in Malay, over the other meter. Then I'm like, hey what if someone decided to write ROSAK on every meter? Then the person won't have to pay! Muahahaha.
Owh and just before we leave some gal asked directions on how to get to a mamak stall. Sad case for her because we can't help, my familly members especially me all have no sense of direction at all... And the woman dyed her hair blonde. The point is, she dyed it like, I dunno, 3 months ago maybe so her original hair colour, black, is beginning to show. And trust me it's ugly. So yea if you ever dye your hair make sure to avoid that embarrassing moment.
I don't think I'll ever dye my hair blonde. Or brown. Coz I've tried an app and I look so horrible! Someone told me (I forgot, is it Nic? or Nat?) that it's because my skin tone is too yellow. Yea that's right, I rarely get dark skin, whenever exposed to the Sun my skin only gets more YELLOW. Zzz. Maybe I'll get highlights~ Blue highlights~~~
Yep blue highlights like the pic. Okay I dunno who the hell is she.
Anyway beside the parking lot there's a parking meter. Nearby is another parking meter. Someone scrawled the word 'ROSAK', meaning broken in Malay, over the other meter. Then I'm like, hey what if someone decided to write ROSAK on every meter? Then the person won't have to pay! Muahahaha.
Owh and just before we leave some gal asked directions on how to get to a mamak stall. Sad case for her because we can't help, my familly members especially me all have no sense of direction at all... And the woman dyed her hair blonde. The point is, she dyed it like, I dunno, 3 months ago maybe so her original hair colour, black, is beginning to show. And trust me it's ugly. So yea if you ever dye your hair make sure to avoid that embarrassing moment.
Yep blue highlights like the pic. Okay I dunno who the hell is she.
Random Little Things
Okay sorry I haven't blogged yesterday! I've been getting lazier and lazier and this is definitely not a good sign. On the other hand Flo seems to be the opposite of me. Hmm. Actually I almost give up writing the post because the Internet is so damn slow. Duh! I had to close my fb Suburbia game page, my online novel reading page and Flo's blog to get this page to load.
Okay so this is quite a random update. I love random things haha. Anyway, H&M is open in 1st Avenue! Like, finally! So it's like 1st Avenue is finally alive again. And Gelatomio also reopened. Much to Nicole's disappointment. By the way, there's Gelatomio in Gurney too! Unlike what Nicole claims. It's a kiosk just in front of Parkson, 1st floor, very near Swensens.
And also I apologize to Flo for being so impatient that day we went to Gurney haha. Why? Because I realize actually the Paul Frank shop is just behind the Adidas kids shop! Which means we missed it by inches. <Sheepish grin.>
Oh and last but not least, Nic is on her way to New York~ I can almost see her smirk! I don't think by the time of this post she will have reached there yet. Most likely she is somewhere over Pacific Ocean. Is it Pacific? I dunno. My Geography definitely sucks. Argh. Okay so that's all the random things happening to me these few days. Bye until the next post.
Okay so this is quite a random update. I love random things haha. Anyway, H&M is open in 1st Avenue! Like, finally! So it's like 1st Avenue is finally alive again. And Gelatomio also reopened. Much to Nicole's disappointment. By the way, there's Gelatomio in Gurney too! Unlike what Nicole claims. It's a kiosk just in front of Parkson, 1st floor, very near Swensens.
And also I apologize to Flo for being so impatient that day we went to Gurney haha. Why? Because I realize actually the Paul Frank shop is just behind the Adidas kids shop! Which means we missed it by inches. <Sheepish grin.>
Oh and last but not least, Nic is on her way to New York~ I can almost see her smirk! I don't think by the time of this post she will have reached there yet. Most likely she is somewhere over Pacific Ocean. Is it Pacific? I dunno. My Geography definitely sucks. Argh. Okay so that's all the random things happening to me these few days. Bye until the next post.
Friday, December 6, 2013
I Dunno What Title to Put
Er okay ya I really dunno wat title to put. Anyway this post is going to be about, erm jeans size and a new pair I bought in Gurney. Lol.
Okay so yea I said I'd blog about my 'shopping trip'. I don't think Flo would consider it a shopping trip since I only bought very little things. But still.
Actually we went shopping because my mum said she found the perfect Christmas gift for me, but I have to go try it on in case she bought the wrong size. So yea obviously now I have a very very early Christmas present. Lol! And when we walked past Parksons my mum just told me directly what to buy for her... She says she wants a new apron LOL and a nice one too, it costs over RM100... Sweat. Not really related topic: Flo says my mum has a young heart! o.O
Okay anyway my present...Mint coloured jeans from Pepe Jeans. Nic it's your fav colour! Actually this item is on discount haha.
So one day Flo (As I had mentioned, Flo seems to appear in my every post!) asked me what size of jeans do I wear. And I was like, dunno. So yea I took a picture of the size tag on my jeans. I dunno which size Flo means. Oh and my new jeans (see above) is size 25. I think it's a British size, or whatever you call it. Duh. Confusing huh.
Okay so yea I said I'd blog about my 'shopping trip'. I don't think Flo would consider it a shopping trip since I only bought very little things. But still.

Okay anyway my present...Mint coloured jeans from Pepe Jeans. Nic it's your fav colour! Actually this item is on discount haha.
So one day Flo (As I had mentioned, Flo seems to appear in my every post!) asked me what size of jeans do I wear. And I was like, dunno. So yea I took a picture of the size tag on my jeans. I dunno which size Flo means. Oh and my new jeans (see above) is size 25. I think it's a British size, or whatever you call it. Duh. Confusing huh.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Swim with Flo :0
Okay, first of all Flo has officially became the person who appeared most in my blog posts. Congratz... :0
So yea we had a swimming lesson together just now. No doubt Flo can swim better than me! Haha she already knew how to swim, she just wanted to learn another style properly. So unlike me who is like a total fool. The good news is I finally managed to go underwater without closing my eyes. Yes I know right. Previously I kept shutting my eyes whenever I hold my breath, lol.
The thing is, Flo and I actually bought the same pattern of swimsuit. LOL!! We were like, identical twins as we also have similar swimming caps! Good thing hers were all pink and mine all blue. The effect was really funny tho.
p.s. I know I said I will post something about my shopping yesterday, but I'm too lazy to post two things at once so it'll have to wait till tomorrow! Sorry guys!
p.s.s. I was reading this online novel and I got really confused. It's like one minute she was getting engaged, the next her ex died, the next next her fiance turned out to be a prince and married someone else. Wth. And also now she's trying to assassinate her ex-fiance (the one who didn't die) 's wife. Okay. I hope my posts are not so damn confusing.
p.s.s.s. I think my list obsession is cured. Temporarily. Now? I'm having a problem with ''p.s.''s
p.s.s.s.s. The online novel? In the end she murdered her ex-fiance's wife's sister. Duh!
So yea we had a swimming lesson together just now. No doubt Flo can swim better than me! Haha she already knew how to swim, she just wanted to learn another style properly. So unlike me who is like a total fool. The good news is I finally managed to go underwater without closing my eyes. Yes I know right. Previously I kept shutting my eyes whenever I hold my breath, lol.
The thing is, Flo and I actually bought the same pattern of swimsuit. LOL!! We were like, identical twins as we also have similar swimming caps! Good thing hers were all pink and mine all blue. The effect was really funny tho.
p.s. I know I said I will post something about my shopping yesterday, but I'm too lazy to post two things at once so it'll have to wait till tomorrow! Sorry guys!
p.s.s. I was reading this online novel and I got really confused. It's like one minute she was getting engaged, the next her ex died, the next next her fiance turned out to be a prince and married someone else. Wth. And also now she's trying to assassinate her ex-fiance (the one who didn't die) 's wife. Okay. I hope my posts are not so damn confusing.
p.s.s.s. I think my list obsession is cured. Temporarily. Now? I'm having a problem with ''p.s.''s
p.s.s.s.s. The online novel? In the end she murdered her ex-fiance's wife's sister. Duh!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
U for update
Er, the title means that this is a short and random post just to update a little on my day. The reason it's so short is because it's now nine and I want to catch Sleepy Hollow at ten...
Anyway today I went to my friend's house at Tanjung Tokong. It's so damn hard to find!! It's just a usual primary close friends gathering. Then afterwards I went to Gurney. I ate dinner at Swensens. That's not the point. The point is we had dinner at half past five pm! Coz my father wanted to avoid the crowd... =.= And I also did a little shopping afterwards. Will Post about it tomorrow! I think I've become lazier and lazier to blog this month so you guys better motivate me.
Flo is coming to swim tomorrow. Look forward to seeing her in her swimsuit haha. And she asked me why I put a crystal as my blog heading...
Actually Flo, it's not a crystal, it's a Sapphire...... Because I don't want to put my own (ugly) picture, so a decided to put a sapphire in context with my blog title... If you want I can put your picture too! =P
Anyway today I went to my friend's house at Tanjung Tokong. It's so damn hard to find!! It's just a usual primary close friends gathering. Then afterwards I went to Gurney. I ate dinner at Swensens. That's not the point. The point is we had dinner at half past five pm! Coz my father wanted to avoid the crowd... =.= And I also did a little shopping afterwards. Will Post about it tomorrow! I think I've become lazier and lazier to blog this month so you guys better motivate me.
Flo is coming to swim tomorrow. Look forward to seeing her in her swimsuit haha. And she asked me why I put a crystal as my blog heading...
Actually Flo, it's not a crystal, it's a Sapphire...... Because I don't want to put my own (ugly) picture, so a decided to put a sapphire in context with my blog title... If you want I can put your picture too! =P
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Yep, I have ichthyophobia. Fear of fish. I hope no one's going to use this info to murder me someday. Duh.
So to write this post I searched Wiki: Fear of fish or ichthyophobia may refer to various cultural phenomena, such as fear of eating fish, or fear of dead fish, as well as to a specific phobia. Well at least that's the default definition.
When I saw that I was like, yay I'm normal! Okay I'm not afraid of normal fish, in fact I love eating them, I'm just kinda afraid of dead ones. Or, more exactly, half-dead, dying ones. Out of water, struggling ones. YUCK. Turns out that is not uncommon too. Kindly forgive me for not inserting pictures here. I'm afraid I'll puke in front of my laptop if I search up any pictures. So yea.
So to write this post I searched Wiki: Fear of fish or ichthyophobia may refer to various cultural phenomena, such as fear of eating fish, or fear of dead fish, as well as to a specific phobia. Well at least that's the default definition.
When I saw that I was like, yay I'm normal! Okay I'm not afraid of normal fish, in fact I love eating them, I'm just kinda afraid of dead ones. Or, more exactly, half-dead, dying ones. Out of water, struggling ones. YUCK. Turns out that is not uncommon too. Kindly forgive me for not inserting pictures here. I'm afraid I'll puke in front of my laptop if I search up any pictures. So yea.
I think this phobia originated when I was a kid. I visited the Chew Thean Yeang Aquarium, Readers from Penang who visited the place before would know that there are several rows of tanks with no lids in one part of the building, mainly selling small fishes. And during my visit, a fish leaped out from the tank and, narrowing missing me, landed on the guy in front, Then I was like, shell shocked. So yea.
People said phobias get better when you grow older. Not in my case. In fact I think it has just gotten worse! That day I went to Chew Thean Yeang Aquarium again. To buy dog food. There's a quite newly build gigantic aquarium on the ground floor, inside the pets section there... And it's full of gigantic fish. Okay actually the fish are not gigantic, it just has a thick glass panel, that's all. And I was like, no way I'm going near that thing. So yea my fear of fish has now spread to living fish, I'm such a sad case. Although people keep reassuring me the big fish is really scary, but still.
Many websites offer cures to ichthyophobia, but the cures themselves sound creepy! So I think I would just have to put up with this phobia all my life. Did I mention my worst dreams are about FISH? Yep you read right, not about ghosts or monsters or getting zeros but about FISH. Duh.
The end. To know more about ichthyophobia, visit this awesome website here. ..
Monday, December 2, 2013
Memory Lane
This post is not about the souvenir shop at the basement of Gurney lol.
I've been clearing up my things these few days. You have to admit that it's tiring but fun at the same time. Who would have known tidying could be so much fun?
It's not that I'm weird or what, okay? It's just that I keep digging up old stuff, and ended up sitting down flipping through the pages of old things. Still remember this?
I dunno if other schools have these. In my primary we have to write Nilam every month. It's like book reviews. We still have it, but not in these books anymore...
This is something childish we did haha. It's codes! In Natalie's words, it's kinda impressive if you looked at it as a whole, it's like, whoa, codes!
I found it at the back of an old exercise book. Then I spent half an hour trying to remember the code and to decipher it. Then I realized it's really about some very very minor and stupid things. LOL! It's mostly weird little facts about people... =.=
And, related with this paper of codes is a blog we shared. We used to write novels there. I tried hiding it from Flo n guys because it's really embarrassing. However Nic accidentally found out. Sad case. Anyway I revisited the site and reread the stories. We stopped a long time ago, but it's kinda fun! So yea no more hiding it away for me. Read the silly things we wrote at Jewel Elements... Just don't laugh too much and kindly remember we wrote this at a childish age.
I've been clearing up my things these few days. You have to admit that it's tiring but fun at the same time. Who would have known tidying could be so much fun?
It's not that I'm weird or what, okay? It's just that I keep digging up old stuff, and ended up sitting down flipping through the pages of old things. Still remember this?
I dunno if other schools have these. In my primary we have to write Nilam every month. It's like book reviews. We still have it, but not in these books anymore...
This is something childish we did haha. It's codes! In Natalie's words, it's kinda impressive if you looked at it as a whole, it's like, whoa, codes!
I found it at the back of an old exercise book. Then I spent half an hour trying to remember the code and to decipher it. Then I realized it's really about some very very minor and stupid things. LOL! It's mostly weird little facts about people... =.=
And, related with this paper of codes is a blog we shared. We used to write novels there. I tried hiding it from Flo n guys because it's really embarrassing. However Nic accidentally found out. Sad case. Anyway I revisited the site and reread the stories. We stopped a long time ago, but it's kinda fun! So yea no more hiding it away for me. Read the silly things we wrote at Jewel Elements... Just don't laugh too much and kindly remember we wrote this at a childish age.
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