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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Very Short Post

This is a very very unimportant and short post. You can just skip it. Trust me I won't blame you.

The reason I'm writing this: I dunno. Coz I'm too lazy to write a proper post but I feel like writing something all the same. Blame Nat. We are working on a short story that requires a lot of hard work from me since she totally misunderstood. Sigh~

So I just realze Christmas is near! Which means hols are ending. Sad case. Next year I'll be in the morning session. Have to wake early. Very sad case.

Yesterday I had a bad dream. About fish. I dreamed that I had to take photos for PBS Moral. So I go stand in front of an aquarium. Don't ask me what has Moral to do with fish, dreams have no sense. Oh and then a fish leaped out and hit me and I scream. End.

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