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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Natalie's Shoes

This post is about what happened yesterday at the gathering lol. Okay cancel the 'lol'. Pat seems to dislike this word so yea. Oh and in Nicole's words, it's 'the gathering you have been planning for years'. Sad but true. Just shows how fail we are.

Anyway. The main point of this post is, Nat's shoes. Which heels fell off after the gathering starts for half an hour. As a result, me and Jen and Pat went with her  to buy a pair of new shoes after placing our orders. The problem is, she dunno what pattern of shoes should she buy. So, we spend like, half an hour searching, all the time Nat limping... In the end she gave up and followed Jen's suggestion: flip flops with heels. So yeah this became her very first time of wearing heels. Which means she looks taller than me. Duh.

And guess what, when we finally walked back to Miam Miam, our food wasn't ready yet. And Nat keeps complaining that her feet hurts.

p.s. After walking Hobbit 2, we reached a conclusion: Elves are cool.

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