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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Traditional or Modern

Recently I'm reading an essay book from China... It's really very chim (high standard) and if we have to answer questions like that in exam we sure die die die... .___.

And after reading some of the essays I think that some of the points are very stupid. I mean, conservative. No offense. Granted, the style of writing is amazing and like, very super hyper good, but some points...

Like, many essays claims that modern things, especially fashionable ones, have no real value, and that these things are making our culture lose its 'spirit', and that people nowadays no longer know how to appreciate traditional, classical things, but only those things have value, blah blah and blah. Seriously, do they really believe that traditional things are definitely better? Well, all things classical have to be fashionable once, it's just that they managed to remain fashionable after a long time, and so they're called classical. If you don't give modern things a chance then how can they become classic? Plus, I don't think those so called classical chinese novels can provide more comfort than modern novels. We are modern people, we need modern things.

One essay was even worse. The author claims that we should not forbade the traditional chinese "3 examples and 5 principles". I dunno what the 5 principles are, but I do know what the 3 examples are, and trust me they do not make sense. 1. The king is the example of his subjects. Duh, I've never supported loyalty to kings. People who do that are stupid. 2. The father is the example of the son. Okay, acceptable, but what if the father is a drunkard etc? 3. The husband is the example of the wife. As a female of the 21st century, this is the one I hate most. What the hell. This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard.

So yea. On the whole it proofs that there are people who are way more crazy than me. I think that's a good thing.

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