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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Concluding 2013

So, today is the last day of 2013! 2 or more hours to counting down here in my hometown Penang. So I'm dedicating this post to the concluding of 2013 stuff, happy or sad.

1. Events.
a. Happiest: Sadly I can't think of anything. I mean, it's not like I have a dull year, it's just now there's nothing specially happy...
b. Saddest: Fortunately I can't think of anything too. LOL this is stupid.
c. Funnest: Um, singing ktv with friends after Suz's farewell? I guess so.
d. Angriest: Grr, the stupid warden canteen event. (She deducted my marks for eating junk food without putting it in a container.)
e. Most Embarrassing: Er, the virtual kitten whose name is Kelly incident? There's too many! Ask Nicole for a detailed list.
f. Most Annoying: Our Science teacher seriously gets on my nerves. She keeps scolding us and says it's for our own good. Duh.
g. Most Irritating: The fact that my relatives keep 'using' us. I hate them.
h. Most Surprised: Suz's sudden transfer to Hong Kong.

2. People!
a. Best Friend(s): All lego block people plus Nat. (Something outta topic: Nic saw someone's profile pic reading, step on a lego. We both dislike the person. Nic wonders if the lego means us. Are we over-sensitive??)
b. Most Mentioned in Blog: Definitely Flo. Next would be Nic. Or Nat.
c. Most Disliked: Stupid warden canteen. No need to say more.
d. Most Hated: Still remaining the same --- one of my stupid relatives. On my father's side. My mum insists that I write that. I'm sure Flo, Nic and Nat all knows.
e. Most Curious About: Kelly Lim?

3. Favourites
a. Colour: Still the same. BLUE~~~
b. Animal: Cat. LOL.
c. Game: Er, Suburbia? But the game stopped on ep 5. =.=
d. Song(s): 三寸天堂 (the one currently playing on my blog), 步步 (the song for 步步惊情), 手掌心, 伤心的人别听慢歌, Rolling In The Deep, Just Give Me A Reason, Somewhere Only We Know, If I Die Young, Demons
e. Movie: Hobbit, Catching Fire
f. TV show: Once Upon A Time, Sleepy Hollow, The Heirs, The Princess's Man (I like it but it's wayyy too sad!!)
g. Novel: I read mostly online novels because I'm lazy to borrow books. 红颜祸害 is nice. Don't give me that look. Owh and I just finished 潇然梦, quite nice but it's kinda unfair. Nat dislikes the ending. It's supposed to be happy ending, but I guess it depends on which guy you support... =.=

So that about sums it all up. Until next year! Don't stop visiting me~

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