Maybe it's because of my late introduction to fairy tales, I never have the, um feel (? for lack of a better word) that most girls have to fairy tales. Obviously when you grow up you realize that fairy tales are fake, but it's an entirely different story for me, who have never believed in them anyway. Even as a little I've never dreamed of being, say, a princess. Or, a fairy, for the more adventurous ones. Is this abnormal? I dunno.
Looking back at fairy tales, as a teenager, I don't think they're good. What I mean is, it's too white-washed. In Henry's (the little boy in Once Upon A Time, which me and Nic dislike for no reason) words, good always triumphs over evil. But the real world isn't like that. The problem with the world is sometimes you don't even know who's good and who's evil. I take it that people think that children should be kept naive for their own good. But is it really fair to them? One has to face reality sooner or later, so why does it matter when? Children are not idiots.
And as for the fact that the prince and the princess always live happily ever after. Oh gosh that's the hugest lie in the world. Let's not mention the Chinese saying 相爱容易相处难, which means it's easy to fall in love but difficult to live together, coz in the latter case you would have to face each other's faults. And not to mention the fact that the princess, the female, is always the one is distress. How sexist is that? Okay, maybe you have the frog prince, but still. And even if a prince saved your life, you don't necessarily have to marry him. Come on, you don't even know him. Obviously he has enough riches to keep your whole life comfortable enough. Now who's being realistic? Jeez.
To support my points further, see the pictures below.
Little red riding hood. Fantasy art. Dark story about cutting open a wolf's stomach. Yuck.

Now the pic on the right. CUTEEE! Cartoon art. White-washed. Even the wolf looks cute.
p.s. Are my thoughts getting a bit on the dark and emo side these few posts?
p.s.s. My mum is joining this blog as "A Kid At Heart". Well it's her username. Yes Flo you should be glorified that we took the idea from your comment.
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