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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Friday, December 20, 2013


So today we have the first gathering after we graduated from primary. Technically it's not the very first, coz we had a mini one before last year when we collected the prize money for getting straight As, but still.

Nat organized the gathering today. I suppose it's a bit of a failure since only 9 people turned up, but it's better than none. And we had a lot of fun!

It also proves that plans never keep up with changes. For one, originally we planned to go somewhere cheap for lunch, but in the end... We went to Miam Miam. In Gurney Paragon. And spend like, RM200+. The French toast is really nice!! Nicole would say, I told ya! As was the Matcha Latte Souffle. I'm sure Nic would love that too! But basically everything there is very delicious. The only bad thing is, it's really slow. Like, really. Oh and it's a bit too expensive.

Then we went to the cinema. There's only the first 2 rows left for Frozen, so we watched Hobbit 2 instead. Jen seemed to enjoy herself very much tho she watched it before, coz she kept trying to spoil it for us... =.= There was only 8 seats per row so poor Ee Hean had to sit in the second row. And when the enormous spiders appeared Patricia was like, totally freaking out. Later I asked her whether she thought the spiders was scarier, or the dragon Smaug. She answered the spiders. =.=!

Before we go home we sat in Starbucks. Actually I took some pictures but I'm too lazy to post! If you have to see them, follow me @bingchieh via Insta. Yea I know my name lacks creativity.

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