Anyway beside the parking lot there's a parking meter. Nearby is another parking meter. Someone scrawled the word 'ROSAK', meaning broken in Malay, over the other meter. Then I'm like, hey what if someone decided to write ROSAK on every meter? Then the person won't have to pay! Muahahaha.
Owh and just before we leave some gal asked directions on how to get to a mamak stall. Sad case for her because we can't help, my familly members especially me all have no sense of direction at all... And the woman dyed her hair blonde. The point is, she dyed it like, I dunno, 3 months ago maybe so her original hair colour, black, is beginning to show. And trust me it's ugly. So yea if you ever dye your hair make sure to avoid that embarrassing moment.
Yep blue highlights like the pic. Okay I dunno who the hell is she.
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