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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Potato's Lifestyle

That's right. A potato. Couch potato.

Well... You can't blame me right? It's the hols, after all, everyone is supposed to be lazing around doing nothing. (To be honest, I'm even lazy to blog. That's why I haven't uploaded the pictures and stuff... If not for the bet with Flo and Nat I really feel like giving up T.T)

Basically my daily activities are like this:
12.00pm    Wake up.
12.30pm    Lunch.
1.00pm      Read e-books/Listen to music on phone.
---Until phone almost runs out of battery--- Sit on sofa doing nothing/Tie Brazilian bracelets/Watch tv.
6.00pm      Dinner
6.30pm      Watch tv/Uses phone if charged.
8.00pm      Blog/Read online novels.
11.00pm    Supper. (optional)
12.00am    Sleep.

Basically I remain on the couch from 1 to 6... I rarely budge unless I have to. Well, that's what you call a couch potato. I know it's not healthy but still.

p.s. The Brazilian bracelet is for Nat. It's supposed to be her birthday present but then since she gave me mine 3 months later she can't really blame me for taking so long right! (Her birthday is in August...)

p.p.s. There's really nothing much to watch on tv nowadays.

p.p.p.s. Tomorrow I'm going over to Nat's house. Her mum offered to cook tom yum <3 <3 <3 I really love her tom yum!! Okay that's a random statement. Anyway my parents are glad I finally have something to do. Well. Anyway I can't wait to see Nat's kitten~~

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