Okay my neighbour is really crazy. Remember that we renovated (changed pipes)? Well thankfully it's over but sadly not completed. We still need to patch up everything, especially the holes in the corridor outside, or the management will fine us.
Well, that's where the problem started. Even before we finished, our dear neighbour is already complaining that we should hurry up and fill up the dug up patches in front of HER doorstep. The contractor was like, *inserts appropriate troll face here* NO.
Anyway, we were patching up the broken mosaic tiles yesterday. The workers were here with the mosaics and stuff. Just to give you a clearer picture, as we changed the pipes, a line was dug along the corridor rather than holes or patches. The original tiles are light beige, kinda brownish.
The contractor said no more tiles with a similar colour can be found, so he used white tiles instead. The management approved, as this is the case for many units that changed their pipes. Well, after the workers finished patching up everything, the crazy neighbour came out, saw it, and objected forcefully. Reason? She pantang (had superstitions) coz white lines are supposedly bad for feng shui. Seriously?! And in the end she managed to persuade my parents to dig up the tiles again. I have no doubt that the contractor thinks that she should be put into a mental institution. I agree with him.
If it was up to me I would definitely ignore her. It's MY tiles, MY money, MY choice, MY decision, YOU GET LOST. (Lol I sound so possessive.) If YOU get bad luck it's YOUR business. If you can't take it, go complain to the management. Don't come barking in front of me, I won't do anything about it.
Actually I don't care if she hates the line or wut. I just care about my money. Just because of her stupid request we have to pay excessively, to A) Buy new tiles. B) Get charged RM50 per day for renovating when we could have completed it. C) Probably get compounded by the management for not getting the corridor back to good condition in time. D) Pay the workers. As an idiot, she didn't even offer to pay at least some of the costs. You wanna change, you better freaking pay. If you pay I don't care if you use rainbow coloured tiles or tiles from pure gold. Do what the hell you want, just pay.
I'm seriously rendered speechless by this sorta behaviour. She's like, what, 65 and can't you behave in a more mature fashion? Is it just me or all neighbours are simply annoying? I'd admit that I can be annoying, for example, playing music (and slighty weird ones, maybe?) at this hour (10pm?) somewhat not-so-quietly. Well, I hate earphones. They're bad for health. Plus it's not like anyone cares. I certainly don't care if it disturbs that particular crazy neighbour. Her gangsterish son plays louder radio anyway, with weirder music. And the neighbour downstairs has a dog that's barking right now. The quiet-loving couple upstairs who refused to repair their leaking air-cond is not in Penang. Oh well.
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