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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

This is the 50th post. Like finally. I really did it!!! Yayyy!!! *Opens champagne**Throws confetti* I bet Nat and Flo didn't finish it.

Um, the title says it all, so I have nothing to say here. Bye. Happy New Year's Eve...

Um, yeah I did it. Flo and Nat probably didn't, muahahahaha. Okay this is stupid. It's stupid to have such a dare in the first place anyway... It's just finding trouble... Can someone tell me why did I agree in the first place? Can someone remind me not to in future? Well at least it's over and I kept my word. Told you I have patience and perseverance. Oh well. At least I did productive stuff this hols right. (The earnings from this blog is like, what, 50 cents? But still, better than none... I take it as an acknowledgement that Google still wanna place ads on my blog.)

Anyway... heard the news that school will only reopen on 12th Jan? I know it's supposed to be a bad thing coz it's because of the floods, but I'm guilty to say that I still feel happy... Well I can only say it's the instinct of students to be glad when hols are extended, no matter what reason. So yeah I'll still blog next year.

I shall just put some cute pictures here and that's it. See ya next year...

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