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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Friday, December 19, 2014

Some People Just Won't Keep Their Word

I'm still in Penang. Nat would be like, what, and you said you cannot come for duty today?! Well, it's seriously not my fault.

The thing is, we decided to set off tomorrow morning. To save a night's accommodation. And we can stop at Foh San to have breakfast anyway. But why did we make such a sudden change of decision? Because someone didn't keep his word.

At first, my dad's friend offered to let us stay in his other apartment. Notice that he offered, not like we asked him or what. And all of a sudden, he texted today to say that he can't let us stay there. Good thing we haven't set off coz otherwise we'd have nowhere to stay as we haven't book a hotel! And so we had to book hotels from 20-23 Dec online immediately. Thankfully there are still rooms in some of the less famous hotels, mostly 2-star ones.

The point is, how can someone be so irresponsible? Like, wth. Yep I'm totally pissed off.

Short post coz I have to sleep early and yet I still have to finish posting in my other blog with Nat... Bye.

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