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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Low Blood Pressure

Most people get high blood pressure some point in their lives, usually when they've aged. I'm one of the 'lucky' ones who get LOW blood pressure.

So today I woke up at twelve as usual (It's the last day coz from tomorrow onwards I have to go to school at 9.30. Sad case. And then after that I've camp. And when I come back it's almost 2015 anyway. ) and walk upstairs. Then suddenly I feel dizzy. Not like, feel like fainting cannot walk dizzy, just... I can see stars around my head dizzy. And my parents totally freaked out. But after sitting on the ground for a few moments (I'm only dizzy when I'm standing.) and a few cups of milo, I'm alright. And we concluded that based on my symptoms, it's a case of low blood pressure.

Actually it's not really surprising.
1. My father has low blood pressure. It's said to be hereditary.
2. I sometimes feel dizzy when standing up. But then, so does Nat.
3. I haven't been eating much meat recently, thanks to the renovation going on. Actually this might point to a not-so-serious case of anemia.
4. I always have cold hands and feet since small.

So well on the bright side at least I don't have to worry about eating salty food.

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