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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Monday, December 8, 2014

Construction Works

My house is changing water pipes so we have construction works on now. Not like, now of course since it's night here but as in, these few days.

As we live in a condo, the management required us to pay a sum of deposit, in case we broke the lift, the tiles, dirty the corridor, blah blah blah. It's not unreasonable, what's unreasonable is the sum. They charge RM3000 for it. The point is, the whole construction work costs less than RM6000. Which means that the management charges more than 50% for the deposit! Of cuz, the money will be returned. (Hopefully.) But still, isn't that a bit too much?

Anyway... I discovered something new about myself. I have recently gained the ability to sleep through even construction work noise... Yay?

Okay this is a short post. I've nothing else to say so yeah.

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