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Miaow, My Virtual Kitten

Saturday, December 20, 2014

I'm Not Here. Literally.

That's right! I'm in UKM, Bangi, by the time you see this post. (You know, the foresty place I'm been mentioning for so many times. Hopefully no wolves. A cute cat or two would be nice.) For all I know, I might be quit being alive already lol.

So... why am I still here blogging? nah it's not my spirit. It's just that... I scheduled this post to be published today. Yeah blogger can do that. Don't you just love technology? And I'm such a responsible blogger! I actually saved up posts starting from a week before. But basically this post is just crap. From now on until Christmas I'd be posting really unimportant stuff just to keep the posts going. I doubt I'll be able to complete the dare with Flo and Nat unless I just post a sentence in each post. But that's too pathetic.

Anyway. Just hope that I'll survive through the camp, don't get too worn out by maths, encounter no wolves, get accustomed to cold water hair washing... Whatever. I desperately need luck I think, although I'm not a fan of fate. Ish.

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